The commemorative jersey of 1916 raises the profits of O 'Neill


Gordon Deegan

The pre-tax profits of Irish sportswear giant O'Neill tripled to 1.85 million euros in 2016, thanks largely to the huge sales of his commemorative green jersey to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the uprising of 1916. [19659003Lemaillotel'specialedition-withaharpeonthebeforeandtheproclamationof1916intheback-wasdevelopedbythefinancialandcorporationalectorof'OuillPaulTowelletsonfrereAndrewwhichhadoriginallyincreasedfrom5000maillots

The jersey recorded a turnover of over 2 millions of euros.

"We were lucky, we were pleasantly surprised at how well it went."

"We had no idea how it was going to be, but we sold 1,000 on the first night when they went on sale online.

"It has become by far the best-selling jersey of our 100 years and we almost had to wait 100 years before that's not happening, "said Paul Towell.The months of April and May are usually a quiet time for the company, but its production plants were" booming "in 2016 to meet the request for the jersey of 1916.

"It was a great success and 100% the reason our profits went up."

The profit only covers the business of O. Neill in the Republic. Mr. Towell said the profits for 2017 were not as high as the year before and expressed fears about Brexit.

"The only negative point on the horizon is the Brexit and we would be very concerned about a" no deal ".We have trucks coming and going all the time.This is a big concern for if tariffs are going to be taxed. "

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