The Crew – a strange car rpg that still has to take off


  The Crew 2 is an ambitious but largely random attempt to rectify the sins committed by his predecessor "title =" The Crew 2 is an ambitious but largely random attempt to rectify the sins committed by his predecessor "width =" 620 "height = "457" rel = "nofollow" />
</span><figcaption>  The Crew 2 is an ambitious but largely random attempt to rectify the sins committed by its predecessor </figcaption></figure>
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  • The Crew – a strange car rpg that has not yet taken off

    The Crew 2 is an ambitious but largely random attempt to rectify the sins committed by his predecessor. [19659004]

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The Crew 2 is an ambitious but largely part of the dangerous attempt to rectify the sins committed by his predecessor.

Obviously unhappy with the lukewarm reception of The Crew 2014, Ubisoft sought to redeem itself with a number of dramatic additions to the established formula. Unfortunately, these additions came with inexplicable omissions, contributing to a sprawling game that never really controls one facet of the game.

Ubisoft's dedication to a reduced recreation of the continental United States was also admirable in the first game that's in the second because the map of The Crew 2 is not too different – if it's much more aesthetic. The portions of water and wilderness are particularly noteworthy, with some scenes at the obscene border. However, even though it is stationary, The Crew 2 is not subject to scrutiny, especially in urban and urban environments.

A lot of noise was made about the system 'Fast Fav & # 39; The Crew 2, which allows the player to press a button – switch instantly between land, sea and land vehicles. And indeed, this may very well be the best of the new mechanics introduced in The Crew 2, giving the player extra layers of fluidity and really injecting a unique feel to the game that has trouble shining amidst the most respected titles. Unfortunately, the amount of events and runs that make use of this mechanics are sorely lacking, which seems to be a loss of potential for such an interesting feature.

Ubisoft fails to capitalize on the incredible size of the map. A single race in the game uses the full horizontal width of the map – a 40-minute trip between New York and San Francisco. This race alone is the only real long distance race in the overall game, a disappointing performance for such a vast and varied environment.

Another silly omission is the lack of PvP lobbies at launch. The developers pointed out that these should be available in December, but that really seems to be something that should be available at launch. If that means the game will be released at a later date, then so be it.

The Crew 2 is handsome and visceral at its best and a boring jack-of-all-trade at worst. The car fanatics will probably move away from this one and the casual racing sim fan will surely be unable to get out of the grueling routine of this weird car-rpg that has yet to take off.

Wicklow People

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