The Exeter Chiefs Pillar Retires After Suffering a Stroke


Exeter Chiefs' 32-year-old pillar, Carl Rimmer, said he would "not regret what he was" after being forced to retire because of 39, a stroke he suffered last January

his boots and is now considering working in the construction industry. He had hoped to return to action, but has now acknowledged his defeat.

"In January, I was stricken with a stroke after a contact in the game at Newcastle," he said on the club's website. "It was a late-onset situation because, two days after the match, I went out on the training ground, ran 50 meters at my pace as slow as possible and I almost toppled Stu Townsend by falling.

weird.Nobody knew what had happened, I did not really know it, I was fully aware of it and when I got to the The hospital and that someone diagnosed him and told me what was wrong, the best part of me was that it could not be. turned out to be related to a trauma and not to anything else.

"The club was brilliant with me and let me have a good time for me. Ensure that everything heals as it should. I've been fine since February, so it's been great.

"I had the impression, according to the medical advice, that there was a chance that I could go back to play, but at the same time the percentage was only 50-50 but sadly, three months later, when they saw everything again, the wound itself had not healed properly, which simply meant that the risks of returning to a contact sport were too great and I was advised to retire.

"I am now in the position where I look forward to my next challenge, and I do not lament what was." [19659008]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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