The last hurdle to Conor McGregor's return to the UFC was removed


"Sooner or Later"

It is the hope of UFC President Dana White of a light fight between Khabib Nurmagomedov and the man that he replaced as undisputed champion, Conor McGregor

. McGregor and Cian Cowley were involved in the attack of a bus in the loading bay of Barclays Center, White had this mix of shock, anger and disappointment. "The Notorious" had thrown a trolley at the window of a bus carrying UFC fighters and employees and helped create a scene of total panic

Many MMA reporters were still working during as the day UFC 223. White entered one of their workstations to provide an update and her comments on McGregor were painful.

"It's the most disgusting thing that has happened in the history of the company."

and the following nights, what McGregor's actions meant for his future with promotion. The president seemed dubious as he wondered if the Dubliner was worth it anymore.

The sanctions came, White badured us, as soon as McGregor had settled his legal problems

. criminal aspect at least, were settled in the King's County Court of Brooklyn last Thursday. McGregor pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and was forced to pay damages. He was also ordered to five days of community service and 1-3 days of anger management clbades. Experts, presumably, will decide after a day of clbades if the star of the UFC needs the other two.

There may still be separate civil cases following this incident in Brooklyn but, for now, McGregor's accent is again the mixed martial artist and who he will then fight.

According to White, it will be McGregor against Nurmagomedov and the fight will take place before 2018 is out. "The fight everyone wants to see is Conor and Khabib," said White at UFC Calgary. "It's the fight."

Asked that McGregor received an extra punishment from the UFC, White's position is much softened since April.

"Conor has faced many repercussions.Conor lost a lot of money and a lot of time

" Conor and I are good, we are good. "

If the UFC had imposed its own ban, this could have further delayed McGregor's return but

Asked about former UFC light weight champion, Tony Ferguson, who was recovering quickly after an operation at the knee, White said that he would like to put El Cucuy on the same card as Khabib and Conor.

The biggest cash cow of the UFC will receive no separate sanction for her actions in the Barclays Center loading station, despite all the difficulties [three cancelled fights, two fighters and one UFC employee injured, Rose Namajunas traumatised by events] that she caused.

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