The launch of the new Focus in France coincides perfectly with the victory in the World Cup


  Vignale Ford Focus
Ford Focus Vignale

The expectation and anticipation before the arrival of the new Ford Focus have been at a record level and it will arrive at L & # 39; Ireland in the coming weeks We were at the European launch in Nice in the south of France the week the national team won the World Cup, and this new model targeted around the world should again be another Global winner for

At the launch, Ford engineers explained how they worked closely with car buyers to develop the new Focus 5-door hatchback, and more practical break models in separate versions so that everyone has their own personality. 19659003] When it lands in Ireland, there will be a range of trim levels, including the basic Ford Zetec, a stylish Focus Titanium, a sporty ST-Line Focus and the high-end Focus Vignale. crossover model, arriving in Ireland e arly 2019, with a robust SUV-inspired style that includes raised ride height, roof bars and additional liner.

Driving the car in the foothills of the Alps, calm and gentleness turned out to be the dominant influence. That said, Ford fans will be delighted that Ford has stayed true to its principles and delivered an appropriate hatch with these traditional Ford features.

This particular Ford vibe is there, and although the car is slightly less engaging than some of its features. predecessors, most of the sensitive attributes come across the car's new swish character. The turn and turn precision we are used to from Ford is the predominant feedback without being too hard.

To learn more, read this week's Connacht Tribune

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