The perfect alternative to the Pro version of pricier


The Huawei P20 Pro was a bit of a sensation. With three cameras instead of the now-awaited dual configuration and a battery that seems to hold up to some heavy use, Huawei's latest flagship phone wins its prize.

But this may be out of reach for some people. One of the main selling points of Huawei's handsets in the past has been the fact that it packs the high-end specifications into a mid-range price. This price is higher and higher for high-end phones, and buying the prepayment of the phone will cost you 750 € – not exactly the territory of the budget.

So there is room for something a little more modest. Enter the Huawei P20, wearing a similar style and name, but just entering his way at a lower price. Some 200 euros cheaper, to be precise.

What exactly do you sacrifice compared to the Pro for this € 200? The first and most obvious is the camera. Instead of this triple low-light camera, the P20 has a dual camera that still takes great pictures, but will not give you that extra safety net when the light starts to fade. However, the P20 has the same AI that chooses the best settings for your chosen shot, and getting everything from portraits to action shots was a kid 's game.

The P20 also shaves a bit of display. The P20 comes in at 5.8 inches against the Pro's 6.1. To be honest, it's not so noticeable. Both phones have incredibly small frames so you get as much screen as possible in each case; At the top of the screen, you have a notch for the camera and the speaker, at the bottom, a fingerprint reader.

The display on the P20 is LCD instead of the OLED on the Pro. Side by side, you will notice the difference, but unless you make serious comparisons, the LCD screen will stand up to scrutiny.

Neither version of the P20 offers the option of extending storage, so the 128 GB you get is what you need to live with. The P20 also does not offer wireless charging, although the Pro also ignored this feature, it was unlikely that it would appear. Instead, you get a quick charge. This is probably more useful to most people, even if with other rivals – Samsung, Apple and others – in charge of wireless charging, it would be nice to see it appear in Huawei handsets.

The Good

The price tag on the P20 makes it a bit more acceptable, and it's easier to give up those extra features. The screen is smaller than the Pro, but with much smaller glbades, you do not really feel like giving up. Plus, you get a range of color options, including a rather flashy pink gradient.

The not so good

If you compare it with the Pro, the camera is still great but not quite as good. It's mainly in the night mode as you'll notice; While the Pro is clear and crisp, the ordinary P20 is not that sharp.

In addition, there is no expansion slot for microSD cards, so make the most of this 128GB space.

The rest

It is certified for a fast charge, plus the ultra battery mode means that you can not only get power quickly, but you can turn it off much longer .

The phone comes with 4GB of RAM – more than enough for everything except the most demanding applications and games – and there was little noticeable difference in performance compared to the Pro.

The Verdict

The P20 is the perfect compromise if you can not stretch yourself to the P20 Pro.

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