The secrets of the Tour de France by Geraint Thomas: all the little things that made the champion


Natural talent is obviously a must, but in a sport where marginal gains are all that can take you far.

So, what are the things that helped propel Geraint Thomas into the immortality of the Tour de France? ] Here is an overview of some of the most important elements and routines on which Welsh has been leaning to navigate to fame …


If you have the # Intention to win a Grand Tour, or any other event, then there is no point in pbading at the starting line on a Chopper

. that Thomas's machine is at the forefront of the latest technology

We say machine, but the machines would be a more fitting description – each Team Sky driver has three different bikes, minimum. The saddle depends on the demands of the scene, whether it be a time trial, a sloggan or a paved crossing.

If the pavers are on the program, the wheels of the bike will be stronger, while

And you may not be surprised to learn that Thomas does not spend his evenings touring oiling his chains or change his pads. Team Sky has a fleet of bike mechanics in their entourage who are responsible for making sure everything is ready to roar every morning.

Geraint Thomas accelerates at the eleventh stage of the Tour de France (AP Photo / Christophe Ena) [19659011] So, it's time for a breathless breath through clenched teeth … how much does Thomas's main bike cost?

Well, £ 10,000 is the number of the ball park. And for that you talk, among other things, of a carbon fiber frame that reduces the weight of the bike to just under seven pounds. So lifting it is about as demanding as taking your neighbor's two cats.

One more thing. The seats are a very personal thing for high level cyclists, which is comfortable for one runner could be the opposite of another. Thomas is someone who loves a lot of padding and uses a saddle that has been specially designed for Cobbled Clbadics.

For the record, Thomas rides a Pinarello Dogma F10 X-Light (other models are available!).

It's the money that Geraint Thomas wins for the Tour de France

Food and Drink

When cyclists, including Thomas, get on the podiums after the events nowadays, you will notice one thing about their physique; invariably, it is skeletal.

Sports elite competitors have all moved this way. The smaller specimens – those that dominated the hardest climbs – have seen their influence diminish.

Thomas must be light so he can move more easily on two wheels, but he must also have immense power. The diet is everything. And Thomas admitted freely: "It's simple, we're always hungry."

Breakfast, normally three hours before departure, is likely to be porridge, muesli and juice of fruit. Cold cuts, yogurts, honey rice cakes and pasta are also options.

Team Sky is there to provide energy bars and regular water bottles throughout the race. be popular – if the rider wants them. Subsequently, a range of healthy options is available, including chicken, fish, potatoes and rice.

Thomas usually takes food on board as energy drinks and possibly a cereal bar immediately after crossing the finish line. after winning on Saturday – and then having a more relaxed meal later in the evening made up of elements rich in protein and carbohydrates. It will be prepared by Team Sky nutritionist and eaten in the catering truck away from Team Sky staff, who will eat at the hotel.

As Thomas himself said, it is impossible to exaggerate how riders expect food at the end of an exhausting stage. He acknowledged that Team Sky's professionalism meant that the days of "hoping" that you had enough food, and that it was good food, were over.

Thomas's favorite thing to eat during the tour? A piece of grilled salmon, cooked to perfection, always pink in the middle.

On average, he spends 5,000 calories a day and this routine helps to replenish them.

That said, hydration is the most important thing.

When Thomas won his mountain scene during the week, he will likely have lost up to three liters of sweat. This is why we rarely see riders without a can of drinks in their hands when they are off-bike.

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Geraint Thomas rises to the glory of the Tour de France

The clothes

The Team Sky The kit is made by the Italian firm Castelli and each rider receives vests, jerseys , shorts, etc., made to measure.

Castelli boasts that his clothes are "super fine and super soft" and he was nicknamed the & # 39;

Of course, Thomas was forced to wear the leader's yellow jersey provided by the organizers of the Tour de France, but that too is custom-made.

Thomas will probably not wear a jacket under his top of the race at the Tour de France because of high temperatures. If the temperature is above 23 degrees, cyclists usually abandon them. His main jersey will feature a full length zipper and he will be able to remove it for ventilation

  Geraint Thomas pours water on his face after creating the history of the Tour de France
Geraint Thomas pours water on his face The history of France

The clothes are clearly dependent on climatic variations and Thomas has, for example , a custom rain bag in the Team Sky car containing everything needed if the sky opens during the race. 19659002] Of course, in inclement weather, the protection of a cyclist's head is more than ever necessary and Thomas wears what has become a valuable piece of Team Sky kit – the Kask helmet.

The particular model is called the Protone and is supposed to have "one of the lowest drag coefficients of all ventilated helmets."

But, and wait, there is a piece of clothing whose Thomas would not be unprepared – the mailbox-shaped slit one inch above the groin. I'm not in his suit and that allows him to … ahem … relieve himself halfway without finding himself with a soggy buff.

And, uh …. no. Thomas did not wear underwear under his shorts. For the uninitiated, you simply do not have it. The shorts are designed to be worn close to the skin. Suffice to say that blanks are provided every day and that the white color is unpopular.

Briton Geraint Thomas takes the yellow jersey of the leader after the thirteenth stage of the Tour de France (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

Sleep Well

When you participate in something like Tour de France, it is essential to move in different hotels. It's the same with a good night's sleep regular

And these are two things that are not really compatible

When, say the British and Irish Lions, they go on tour every four years, they remain at the best five stars

It is not the same for Tour de France cyclists for whom the Campanile establishments are considered the pinnacle of luxury.

Thomas therefore benefits from a memory foam cushion, thick or thin mattress according to his preference, and the use, if he wishes, of hypoallergenic bedding, dehumidifiers, purifiers from air, air conditioners and radiators.

A team of Team Sky caregivers prepares, cleans, empties and whitens its hotel room every day. We also know that Sky sends people in advance to the hotels to remove as much dust as possible from the rooms of the riders.

A last bonus …

Thomas was born in Cardiff but now lives in Monaco, near his teammates Sky Chris Froome and Richie Porte.

Apparently, local roads are excellent for training, but there are times to stop.

way to spend it while watching Sky Sports – provided free to all Team Sky drivers!

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