'The sexiest girl in the world & # 39; opens up on a man who wanted to play more – Call of Duty & # 39;


"The badiest weathergirl in the world" talked about her grief of being abandoned by her boyfriend to have more time to play online games.

Yanet Garcia appeared in the TV show "Hoy & # 39; "

The model and Instagram star – with just under 7 million dedicated fans – said that she" did not expect "that her boyfriend Douglas Martin would have it. give up to spend more The pro player had revealed on YouTube that he had dumped her to spend more time with Call of Duty.

The pair was in a long distance relationship.

19659006] Yanet said: "So, I am relaxed, in peace, I keep what was good in the relationship in my heart.We were in a long distance relationship, it was very difficult. 19659006] "I do not judge him, on the contrary I wish him all the success, I hope he wins this championship and it gives him"

"We were a couple working in social media, and he had commitments with his supporters while I had my work and my plans.

When asked if she could see a time when she could come back together, she replied, "No, I do not think so … I trust God, he has something else for me. "

Meanwhile, Douglas was writing on Instagram for his 1.3 million followers:" I would never have thought of writing a breaking article.This girl is an incredible and authentic person

"I know that many people think that I'm crazy, but I have the impression that we are taking two different paths and as difficult as it may be, it's time to move on

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