The SIB of the woman dramatically improves after the ban of four foods from her diet


Getting rid of these four foods has made a huge difference to its IBS.

If you have already suffered from IBS, you will know that it can have a huge impact on your daily life and that managing symptoms can be difficult.

One woman explained how she changed her diet, including banning four foods, which led to a major improvement.

Emily Catterall told her story and said that before making this change, she suffered from bloating and severe stomach pain almost constantly.

After visiting her doctor, the Lancashire native said she took medication, but it was not right with her.

After enduring this for months, the 24 – year – old woman decided to do a food intolerance test, which gave a list of foods with which she was not d & # 39; agreement.

In the process of The sunshe explained:

"My results came back within 10 days and showed that I was intolerant to egg white, egg yolk, cow 's milk, goat' s milk and that I was. had an intolerance to yeast and beef ".

Emily eliminated these foods from her diet, said she felt great from the "second day" and that in twelve weeks, things have improved considerably.

She is now able to eat on the outside without problems and has managed to resume her exercises.

Emily has even managed to introduce trigger foods into her diet with the help of nutritionists and claims to have only rarely problems.

Some changes, such as the exchange of dairy products for soy, have worked very well and she is now able to eat whatever she wants within reasonable limits.

She also has tips for anyone experiencing the same problems, which makes great sense.

"I tell everyone that if you are uncomfortable after eating, you have to know what it is because there is nothing worse." It's so much better to know what causes the problems, it ruined my life every day. "

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