There’s a keyboard shortcut that will transform how you browse the web hiding in plain sight


macbook keyboard space bar apple computer laptop

There’s a keyboard shortcut that can transform how you’ll browse the the web — and it’s hiding in plain sight.

What is it?

The spacebar.

Try it. Press it now. I’ll wait.

That’s right: Pressing the space bar by itself when viewing a website automatically scrolls down one page. It’s an incredibly useful way to navigate the web as you scroll through articles and social media feeds — one I comfortably use hundreds of times a day.

If, like me, you’re a regular user, you’re probably now wondering how on earth anybody doesn’t already realize this is a thing.

But a surprising number of people have no clue that it exists.

This came to light earlier this week, when British journalist and consultant Martin Bryant tweeted about his shock upon discovering it was a thing: “How have I used web browsers for 22 years without realising that the space bar scrolls the page down?”

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How have I used web browsers for 22 years without realising that the space bar scrolls the page down?

The replies to his tweet were full of other users expressing their amazement about the trick.

“MY MIND IS BLOWN,” wrote PR exec and former tech journalist Drew Olanoff.

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Music consultant Lee Thompson agreed: “Good grief, neither did I…”

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Good grief, neither did I…

“This just bent my head,” another Twitter user added.

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This just bent my head.

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wait what

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And Ben Rooney, the former Wall Street Journal tech editor in Europe, had an additional tip: If you press shift and the space bar at the same time, it scrolls up a page.

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It also scrolls up. (Hold down shift …) #whatadaytobealive

Modern computers are full of wild and hidden keyboard shortcuts, but this isn’t one of them. And that’s the point. It’s a single click, with no memorization or combination key presses required, that can transform how you browse the web. No fiddly mouse wheels or slow arrow keys required!

You’re welcome.

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