This "Fortnite" rescue attempt went very badly, very quickly


You can have all the best intentions in the world, but sometimes that is not enough.

A recent clip Fortnite of the Australian YouTuber MrMuselk trying to rescue another player provides a glorious proof. "Guys, I have a plan," Muselk said in the video below, after discovering another player stuck at the edge of a cliff in an area where he can not build. We must hunt the cart from the edge and then bounce off the roof and use it to bounce off our stairs.

Needless to say, it does not work that way.

Oh my god.

I like to think that he was trying to prevent me from flying overboard. At the end. He saved me.

– Muselk (@MrMuselk) July 18, 2018

It turns out that trying to prevent Muselk from flying to the water's edge was exactly what the distressed player was trying to do. On Wednesday, he took to Reddit to tell his side of the story.

Really a tale for the ages.

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