Tony McGregor "overwhelmed" by the generosity of GoFundMe


Conor McGregor's father, Tony, revealed that he was "overwhelmed" by the generosity of those participating in a GoFundMe campaign to buy him a Leap card.

The father of the MMA fighter became a viral sensation He published a video in which he complained of receiving 17.30 € in exchange for a Dart machine while he had offered a "brand new ticket" from 20 € ".

Needless to say, he was "not over-optimized" about this experience.

Things started again on Monday for Tony, when a generous citizen set up a GoFundMe to buy the old McGregor Leap card so he would never have to worry about the ruined coins that ruin the lines of his "slim-fit, hand-"

Speaking to The Irish Sun, McGregor commented on the campaign with a laugh, saying: "I am overwhelmed by the generosity of the people who contributed to the fundraising campaign go go

" It touched my heart. "

The campaign more than doubled on the 20th [20] a donation of 50 €.

Someone who said to be Conor McGregor donated $ 5 to the campaign by writing: "F *** sake Da, take me a lambo sausage next time!"

video again in case you missed it the first time, it's well worth a watch.

People continue to laugh at the viral video on Twitter

They are back from work and see phase 1 of my starter kit Tony McGregor .twitter. com / 41PR4hxqEt

– Aidan (@the_squig) July 23, 2018

When Tony McGregor said "I offered a brand new 20 € net in the automatic ticket machine, they got the love at first sight give me a coin, € 17 and a miserable little note to a fool, I felt it

– HBK (@ Hladd99) July 24, 2018

Tony McGregor gets his change for the DART

– Paul Broughall (@paulieblogger) July 24, 2018 [19659013] Oh no, Tony McGregor was so excited to go to the DART, he puts me more in touch with his disappointment with all that money ?

– Enzo (@ _Enzymes) July 23, 2018

Everyone Tony McGregor

– Cillian Walsh (@cillianwalsh_) July 22, 2018


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