Trace Lysette Slams Hollywood After Scarlett Johansson Cast As Trans


Johansson was portrayed as a transgender man in the criminal drama of Rupert Sanders "Rub & Tug."

Trace Lysette and Jamie Clayton, two of the most prominent transgender actresses who work today, took on Twitter as a result of Scarlett Johansson's incarnation in a transgender role to proclaim Hollywood to continue to allow cisgender actors to play transgender characters. Johansson will play Dante "Tex" Gill in Rupert Sanders in the crime movie "Rub & Tug". Gill operated mbadage parlors that served as fronts for prostitution in the 1970s in Pittsburgh and who lived as a transgender man.

"Oh word, so you can keep playing but we can not play it?" Lysette wrote on Twitter in response to Johansson's casting. "Hollywood is so baded in. I would not be so upset if I went in the same rooms as Jennifer Lawrence and Scarlett for cis roles, but we know that's not the case." A mess.

Lysette is famous for having co-turned on the comic series of Amazon "Transparent". Clayton, who has just completed her run on Sense 8, the cult hit of Netflix, echoes Lysette's thoughts when she discovers Hollywood. the hearing room for cis gender roles, which is clearly not the case for cis-like actors who come out for transgender roles.

"Trans actors can never audition for anything other than trans characters". "That's the real problem – we can not even get in. Cast actors who are trans as non-trans character I challenge you."

Johansson defended his controversial casting in a comment made to Bustle in which she said, "Tell them that they can be directed to Jeffrey Tambor, Jared Leto, and representatives of Felicity Huffman to comment." Jeffrey Tambor in "Transparent," Jared Leto in "Dallas Buyer & # 39 "Club", and Felicity Huffman in "Transamerica".

Lysette blames Hollywood for continuing to reward three cisgender actors who have all received praise and praise. cis-like actors to play transgender characters, which is one of the reasons why this trend has continued. "Not only are you playing us and stealing our narration and our luck," Lysette wrote, "but you pummel on the back with trophies and praise to mimic what we've been through … so crooked. I am so done. "

The role of" Rub & Tug "by Johansson is another casting controversy for the actress following" Ghost in the Shell ", which was also directed by Sanders. </ P> <p> Johansson was screened at the top of A Japanese manga adaptation and the film became one of the most striking examples of Hollywood whitening as a result.

IndieWire reached out to Johansson's team for a "darling". other comments You can read the full comments of Lysette and Clayton in the tweets below

Oh word ?? So you can continue to play us but we can not play it? Hollywood is so bading … I would not be so angry if I found myself in the same rooms as Jennifer Lawrence and Scarlett for cis roles, but we know that's not the case. "A mess." [19659012] – Trace Lysette (@tracelysette) July 4, 2018

I ❤ Jlaw btw … no shadow

– Trace Lysette (@tracelysette) July 4, 2018

And not only are you playing and stealing our story and opportunity, but you're tapping into the back with trophies and accolades to mimic this that we have lived … so crooked. I've finished so much …

– Trace Lysette (@tracelysette) July 4, 2018

Actors who are trans never get audition for ANYTHING THAN ROLES OF CHARACTERS TRANS. This is the real problem. We can even go to the room. Cast actors that are TRANS as non-TRANS characters. I YOU OSEURS #RupertSanders @NewRegency #ScarlettJohansson

– Jamie Clayton (@MsJamieClayton) July 4, 2018

Exactly . I challenge them to let us into these rooms.

– Trace Lysette (@tracelysette) 4 July 2018

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