Use video ads to promote your business by calling for action on Facebook Messenger – Irish Tech News


by Natalie Andersen, content editor and enthusiastic blogger. She thinks that everyone's life must be the result of the choices they make but that a helping hand is always welcome. You can connect with Natalie on Twitter or Facebook.

Facebook Messenger is one of the most effective advertising channels because it allows users to reach via a more personal communication. And it's no secret that video ads are the best tool for capturing and holding the attention of the audience, because captivating visual content works much better than text.

Therefore, the use of video ads with a call for action in Messenger is an excellent method to promote products and services online. Let's see what steps to follow to create a successful marketing campaign.

Step # 1 – Submit a brilliant idea
A video ad should catch the public's attention from the first seconds and keep it up to the last plane: it should be unique and memorable. If you are not Steven Spielberg and have no experience in making videos, you need time to generate a great idea. There are some methods that will help you.

Organize a brainstorming session with your team members and define the most interesting topics for your target audience. Discuss the options with your creative friends and family, think about it before sleeping – and your muse will bring you a fantastic video idea in a few days.

Competition badysis
If your competitors are using video ads, you must see and badyze them. Whether your competitors' marketing campaigns are going well or badly, you can learn from their practices. In addition, various advertisements promoting products similar to yours can inspire you.

Social Media Trends

Short, fun videos, memes and challenges become viral and occupy the minds of millions of users. "If you want to make your video advertising profitable, try building your marketing campaign around the current hype on social media," says James Daily, content manager and founder of Brainished.

Step 2 – Add textual content
Your video ad must also contain textual content: catchy title, attractive description and subtitles. This task is difficult because you have to describe your sophisticated idea in a few short sentences. If you need help writing, you can find it online with many writing services.

Another problem with textual content is grammar. You do not have the right to make a typo or spelling error, as this could ruin an entire advertising campaign. If it is difficult for you to revise your own texts, you can use tools and proofreading services similar to Grammarly, Canada-Writers and Hemingway Editor.

Step # 3 – Create a Call for Action

Announcements without call for action are worthless. It is therefore important to add a phrase that will not leave your audience indifferent. It is best to avoid combinations of usurious words, such as "register now" or "get it for free". Try to be more creative to stand out from the crowd.

Amanda Sparks, a digital marketing specialist and author of the Top Down Writer blog, says, "In addition to lead generation, Facebook Messenger ads are another great opportunity to increase sales. The Call-to-Action button can send potential customers directly to an online chat, allowing you to start the conversation immediately. Without a doubt, a quick response to customer interests is a great way to drive conversion. "

Step 4 – Follow the results and optimize
You must work on optimizing ads using accurate statistical data. You'll be able to double the conversion rate if you badyze Facebook reports accurately.

If you want to simplify the reporting process, try using the Funnel Dash software. You will be able to filter various objectives and focus your attention on the most important indicators. In performing the badysis, you should take a closer look at the following aspects.


The success of any marketing campaign rests entirely on a thorough understanding of the needs of potential customers and buying behavior. "If you've created a video clip for the millennial generation of both genders, but the statistics show that a large audience includes women aged 30 to 35, try to figure out what's wrong," he says. Loretta Flynn, social media expert at Get Good Grade.

In this case, you can change the settings of Facebook to use an advertising budget wisely. For example, you can stop showing this ad to young male users who are not interested in watching this video.

Visualization rate
This indicator is crucial for video ads: if it indicates that users are unaware of watching a video clip, the marketing campaign will not produce any results. The live view rate is closely related to the cost per click and cost per prospect, so it has a direct impact on the advertising budget.

Jason Burton, SMM Specialist at Top Australia Writers, said: "Modern people are overloaded with useless information, so they quickly go through Facebook messages. For this reason, you must create a video that will intrigue customers at first sight. You need to make sure that users stop scrolling through the screen and watch your video until the end without leaving the screen of the eyes. "

Today, a creative video advertising with a call to action is one of the most effective promotional tools on social media. Small businesses and large companies have proven that it is a great way to attract the attention of Facebook Messenger users worldwide.

If your company is looking for a solution that can increase the reach and engagement of social media, feel free to launch video ads. Modern users are fed up with ordinary marketing campaigns; then, you should work hard to create an attractive, fun and informative video.

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