Vogue Williams Criticizes Critics on Pregnancy Workouts | Entertainment


Vogue Williams fought back to critics who say she should not be involved during pregnancy.

The 32-year-old model is expecting her first baby, a boy, with her husband Spencer Matthews, and said that she is tired of people coming to her with their "problems" about working pregnant women because she says that it is perfectly healthy and prepares to be "strong enough" for birth.

She said, "A lot of people have I do not know why, a lot of people tell me that they have to relax or stop being obsessed with my body, but I think if you have need to be strong enough for childbirth, "

" I had tons of people wondering when they felt so guilty because they could not be safe. " lead, and I think the most important thing is to listen to your body.

That does not mean that pregnancy work sessions are not stressed, as Vogue points out, she had to stop beating in the gym when she was suffering from morning sickness By talking to BUILD live in London on Wednesday (25.07.18), she said: "I had to stop training until the end of nausea.A friend of mine, her waters broke mid-squat.This could be me." [19659002] Meanwhile, beauty recently revealed that her pregnancy caused her anxiety, and said that regular exercise helped relieve the symptoms.

She said: a little back while I was pregnant. I do not know why I have it – it's just the anxiety of the general life. If I knew what it was, it would be the first step to get rid of it. But exercise keeps this in check and makes you feel better about yourself. He is more under control now than he has been in the past. "

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