WATCH: Roy Keane insists his reputation as the bad cop in the Ireland dressing room is misplaced


Republic of Ireland badistant manager Roy Keane. Photo: Niall Carson/PA Wire
Republic of Ireland badistant manager Roy Keane. Photo: Niall Carson/PA Wire Newsdesk

  • WATCH: Roy Keane insists his reputation as the bad cop in the Ireland dressing room is misplaced

    Republic of Ireland badistant manager Roy Keane has insisted he has been wrongly cast as the screamer and shouter in the dressing room, as he claims he is a calm onlooker on matchdays.

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Republic of Ireland badistant manager Roy Keane has insisted he has been wrongly cast as the screamer and shouter in the dressing room, as he claims he is a calm onlooker on matchdays.

Speaking on a video in 3 Mobile’s #TheCallUp series, the former Manchester United skipper has says his image as an outspoken critic of players unjustified, despite many years of battles with team-mates and managers.

He was involved in his latest spat with a player when Cardiff midfielder Harry Arter pulled out of the Ireland squad after being verbally abused by Keane last summer, but he insists his reputation for being critical of players is unjustified.

“People have this image of me out as a bit of a shouter, but I’m quite quiet when the game is on and I’m at my happiest in a dressing room,” stated Keane.

“Whatever the score might be, and we’ve had some tough results recently, if I think all the players have given 100 per-cent then I’m contented, I really am.

“My mindset for every training session was to try and be the best player I possibly could, every single day. I don’t ever remember having a day where I thought, I can relax today. If you’re standing still in this game, you’re going backwards.”

Keane went on to state his belief that Ireland fans will be forgiving of players who give their all to the national team, even if they come up short in the final badysis.

“I generally think the Ireland fans are very fair,” he added. “They want to win, we all want to win and They can be critical and if you lose matches you expect that. I think when they see Irish players going out giving their all, they will forgive mistakes and back you all the way.

“It’s great going out on the pitch knowing the supporters will fight your corner.”

You can watch the full video with Keane here

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