"Who is America?" From Sacha Baron Cohen Episode 2 Summary: Ted Koppel, Corinne Olympios Targeted


Find out who has fallen in love with Sacha Baron Cohen's new characters in the second episode of her surprise show Showtime.

After targeting Bernie Sanders, Joe Walsh and more politicians in the first episode of his new satirical comedy Showtime Who's America, Sacha Baron Cohen introduces a new character and s & # 39; takes it to a new group of people – including a representative of the state of Georgia who used racist slurs and an alum who filmed a PSA supporting the arming of children soldiers – in his second half-hour.

Here's Who He Fooled in Week 2:

Target: Dick Cheney
Character: Col Erran Morad
What Happened: ] The biggest moment teased in front of Who Is America? Premiere was the former vice president to sign what Baron Cohen's character called a "waterboarding kit" (he is now on sale on eBay). It turned out that the full segment also included Morrad asking Cheney which of the wars that he started was his favorite (the first Gulf War, for those who wonder).
Answer: None from the air

Target: Ted Koppel
Character: Billy Wayne Ruddick, Jr. Ph.D.
That's all. did he arrive: As his conspiracy Baron Cohen questioned Koppel about Trump's inauguration, but the media veteran came out when Ruddick refused to acknowledge the basic facts, as the sun would have lying on a picture taken in Washington after 11 pm
Answer: Koppel detailed his experience for The Hollywood Reporter before the creation of the series

Target: Corinne Olympios, Bachelor's degree alum
Character: Gio Monaldo
What Happened: Claiming to be an Italian fashion photographer, Baron Cohen convinced Olympios to lie about pbading time in Africa to help child soldiers and then film a solder PSA but to arm the hem. "Remember, when you throw a grenade, you start a dream."
Answer: Olympios describes how she was tricked into doing the interview, saying Entertainment Weekly that she was told that she was receiving a prize of A British television company for Reality Star of the year and arrived for an interview with Baron, in character, in October. "Long story short I'm doing the last segment of a teleprompter," she said, in part. "I do not even know what I read, I'm so pissed off, it was about kids and guns, I was really upset when I read it, and then [Cohen] started to Random walk on how I should come I thought, "I'm not going to your castle in Italy, let me out."

Target: Jason Spencer, representative of the State of Georgia
Character: Col. Erran Morad
What Happened: Spencer, who made the national headlines to introduce a bill banning coverage the face in public (known as "Burqa Ban") and to threaten a state representative who pleads for the removal of Confederate statues, met with Baron Cohen for a segment on self-defense. first move was to take a photo upskirt of the bads of a so-called terrorist with a selfie stick, that & # 39; He was supposed to pretend that he was Chinese (because, according to the character, the Chinese use the selfie most often). Spencer's started in a racist babble (" ching chong ," " konichiwa ," " Ho Chi Minh " and some more real words but not Chinese too).
The second task involved shouting "the word N" to intimidate a potential terrorist (after Spencer shouted "n — er", Morad told him that it was the wrong word N). The third involved Spencer, prompted by Morad, "to use his bad to intimidate ISIS," which ended with Spencer dropping his pants and taking refuge in Morad, threatening that his bare bad would make him gay. A final scene presented Spencer's message directly to terrorists (whom he called "sand n-ers") threatening to cut off their bads.
Answer: In a statement to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution days before the segment was aired, Spencer said Baron Cohen "fraudulently induced me by participating in self-defense and anti-defense training. bogus terrorism ", and that it" was said that the video was intended to be an educational aid to train elected officials who can be targeted by "
He continued," They exploited my state of mind for profit and notoriety.The deceptive and fraudulent behavior of this media company is exactly why President Donald Trump was elected – a kidnapping scenario where I have repeatedly been asked to shout a provocative language that I asked to be removed, but I have not had the opportunity to have the final approval on the images used which m & rsquo; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Originally offered by the filmmakers, it is clear that the filmmakers s of this movie were meant to deceive me in an attempt to undermine the conservative American political movement; therefore, I asked for advice to challenge this illegal and unethical behavior and I plan to take action if and when any of these images fraudulently obtained from me is used by these Hollywood liberals to make their own pockets.

Target: Kingman, Arizona, Residents
Character: Dr. Nira Cain-N Degeocello
What Happened: The Ultra Character -liberal of Baron Cohen gathered a group of people from the small town of Kingman, Arizona Many people became so upset that they came out of their homes and told Baron Cohen explicitly that they did not want to at all from Muslims or even blacks in their city
. Answer: In January, the local newspaper Mojave Daily News quoted residents who participated in the "discussion group" before Cohen's involvement was known: "I think that's what's going on." they were trying to piss us off, just for the reactions, because the stu they said it was just absurd, "said one who refused to be identified. Venessa Mudge, a resident of the institution, added: "He showed pictures of our city with commercial photos taken in Muslim languages. He used many statements as Muslims would be protected from ordinary citizens to make sure that there were no terrorist attacks from us. "She also said that she thought it was a" set-up "at the time and tried to warn others:" We've even tried to show those around us to stop playing in the hands of the caller by answering because everything was settled. Many members reacted with hatred, some with blatant racism and a lot of ignorance. "

Who is America? airs Sunday at 10 pm on Showtime.

Who is America?

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