Who will be in Hailey Baldwin's bridal party? His Ireland Cousin will stand by his side


After being recently engaged to Justin Bieber, the 21-year-old daughter of Stephen Baldwin seems to be already planning her wedding, just over a week after the news. As reported Us Weekly Baldwin's famous aunt, Kim Basinger, revealed at least one woman who will be part of Hailey Baldwin's bridal procession: Hailey's cousin Ireland Baldwin.

"Oh, it will be fun," said his niece's Tuesday's wedding Basinger to the Canadian pop star while she was at the last chance for animal protest against the southern dog meat market -Korean. "Alaia and Ireland, they are in the wedding, so trust me, I come – it's cool! I think it's nice. It's a very sweet thing. Happiness … we are currently living in very difficult times. "

Alaia is Baldwin's older sister, who should also have a place at the wedding. When the news of the engagement came out, Alaia posted a sweet photo on the social networks of the sisters of her own wedding last year, when Hailey served as a maid of honor. In the Instagram post, Alaia wrote, "From a bride to the other … congratulations to my little sister on this exciting next chapter! I love you and I wish you the best. I can not wait to celebrate with you! "

Ireland is the cousin of Baldwin, Basinger's daughter and father Alec Baldwin.The two Hollywood heavyweights married in 1993 but separated in 2002 after a seemingly painful divorce. Stephen Baldwin, Hailey's father, is Alec Baldwin's youngest brother Soon after the news on the engagement, Ireland also posted a photo, but this one was a step back. The picture featured the Baldwin sisters and Ireland in a bathtub with the caption: "There is a less lonely girl … and there is only one lonely girl left … my other chicken will be soon a beautiful bride. "Congratulations to both of you." The legend mentions Bieber's 2009 song, "One Less Lonely Girl".

Basinger, 64 years old and Oscar winner, also shared her thoughts on the singer of "Sorry" . "I'm very, very happy for Hailey, I think it's a good thing," she told Us Weekly . "I think Justin is a cool guy, I do not know him at all, but Ireland, you know, I think he's gone through a bad road." "He's a really cool kid. I pray for them.I hope they are cool.I hope they are happy! It is wild! I think it is wild !?

Bieber skipped the question at Baldwin in a resort in the Bahamas in early July. Both had dated from 2015 to 2016 and only recently got together before both got engaged. Two days after he gave her the ring, Bieber took on social media to express his love.

Bieber wrote in part: "Hailey, I am so in love with everything about you, so determined to spend my life knowing every part of you, loving you kindly and patiently."

The sources of Us Weekly the couple are already starting to get into the details of the marriage: "[They are] discussing having a very small marriage," said an insider supposedly close to Hailey. "They want something private, intimate."

Baldwin and Bieber also connect to their faith, and it is a possibility that both can be harnessed to Hillsong, a church to which they both attend.

"I promise to lead our family with honor and integrity by letting Jesus lead by his Holy Spirit in everything we do and every decision we make," wrote Bieber in his post on Instagram. "My heart is entirely and entirely yours and I will always put you first! You are the love of my life Hailey Baldwin and I would not want to spend it with someone else. "

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