In the new Disney movie "Ralph Breaks the Internet", which kicks off next month, the Vanellope heroine vanishes in a room filled with emblematic princesses of the mouse empire, such as Snow White, Cinderella and Elsa.
The princesses are not convinced that Vanellope is one of them, until Rapunzel asks, "Do people badume that all your problems have been solved because a great strong man has arrived?"
"Yes, what's going on with that?" Said Vanellope.
"She is a princess!" They cry in unison.
It's a scene with a wink, of course; Disney is fed up with stereotypes that the studio itself cherishes. But for some mothers, it's not a joke. For them, it's time to let the old princesses of fairy tales on the floor of the cutting room.
Kristen Bell – who played a Disney princess herself – is one of the parents who is tired of walking with some of these iconic young ladies in distress.

The 38-year-old actress and mother of 5-year-old Lincoln and 3-year-old Delta told Parents magazine that she had had a serious conversation with her kids about the infamous scene of kissing in "Snow White", in which Prince Charming wakes the princess from a deep sleep with a smooch.
"Do not you think it's odd that the prince is kissing Snow White without his permission? Because you can not kiss someone while he's sleeping!
Even the basic plot – which usually concerns a man rescuing a damsel in distress, may send a wrong message, some mothers say.
Candice Kilpatrick is expecting a little girl in January and declares she will not present her daughter to Disney princesses until she can discuss complicated stories with her child.
"Women are portrayed as useless and dependent on men," said Kilpatrick, a 38-year-old mother living in Bed Stuy, aged 14 and 11. "Snow White needs a man to save her from a lonely life in the woods."
Bell, who played Anna in "Frozen," also spoke to her children about Snow White's naivety.
"Every time we close 'Snow White', I look at my daughters and ask them, 'Do not you think it's weird that Snow White did not ask the old witch why she needed to eat the apple? Or so, where did she get that apple? "I say," I would never take food from a stranger, is not it? "And my kids are like" No! "And I'm like," OK, I'm doing something good, "Bell said.
"I mean, the songs are great, but do not give your voice to a man"
She is not the only actress to question Disney movies. Keira Knightley recently told Ellen DeGeneres that her 3-year-old daughter, Edie, is "forbidden" to watch "Cinderella" and "The Little Mermaid".
The 33-year-old actress said the 1950s Cinderella character "is waiting for a rich guy to save her. No! Save yourselves. Obviously! "
Knightley also condemned the message "The Little Mermaid".
"I mean, the songs are great, but do not give up your voice for a man. Hello, she said.
A 2016 study by Brigham Young University found that preschool children who used media featuring Disney princesses were more likely to exhibit female stereotypical behaviors, such as being pbadive and to be more concerned about personal appearance. Lead author Sarah M. Coyne believes that this can place constraints on how young girls see each other.

"It's very limiting. Some girls are less likely to be interested in math and science, "said Coyne, a professor of human development.
She also says that characters such as Cinderella and Rapunzel, who are generally submissive, may not be the best models.
But some moms argue that these princesses have redeeming qualities and they should not be excluded from the canon of caricature.
Andrea Morgan, vice president of the downtown-based Makovsky public relations company, says there is nothing wrong with her seven-year-old twin girls being fans of Sleeping Beauty's "Aurora Princesses" and of Ariel from "The Little Mermaid".
"We're heading to a place where people have become so politically correct with things that you can not step back and have something nice to look at," said Morgan, 46, at The Post. "It's a fairy tale and a fake imitation. It's not supposed to be real life. "
She also says it's not up to Disney to teach her kids what's right or wrong. "It's up to me and my husband to decide," Morgan said.
And, although these films were made in another era, she thinks girls can always learn life lessons from the characters.
"We are big fans of Ariel," Morgan said. "She stayed true to herself and went to the end of her desires, namely Prince Eric. And she continues to have a child and become a big mother – it's really important. "

According to Professor Coyne, parents should not ban children from watching these old school Disney movies, but they should have conversations with them about certain scenarios.
"There are good characteristics of these princesses that kids can imitate," said Coyne. "Like Cinderella. She is very hardworking and positive and makes the most of an impossible situation. "
Coyne also thinks that films like "Snow White" can be a good time to learn "the concept of consent" for girls and boys.
In addition, Disney has evolved over the years. Princesses such as Elsa of "Frozen" and Moana are not just girls waiting to be saved; they are responsible for their own destiny.
"Moana is one of my favorite princesses because she is not a gender stereotype. She is independent and follows her own path, "said Coyne. "She exposes herself to help her family … Moreover, the shape of her body is more realistic than that of other princesses. Disney begins to evolve with its time. "
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