WWE Monday Night RAW Results – The SummerSlam Building Begins, Ronda Rousey Attacks, The Team B, More


Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE Monday Night RAW Viewing Party. Tonight's show comes from Keybank Center in Buffalo, New York

– this evening's WWE RAW opens on a graphic in memory of Masa Saito, former WWE Tag Team Champion, who died in the evening. 76 years old last weekend

. ] – We are live from Keybank Arena in Buffalo, NY, while Michael Cole welcomes us. He is joined by Corey Graves and Jonathan Coachman

– RAW General Manager Kurt Angle waits in the ring for his music to play

Angle thanks everyone who participated in Extreme Rules last night and said that he is proud of the dedication. Angle says that a Superstar who did not show the same thing is the WWE Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar. Some boo fans. Angle speaks of the ultimatum that he issued Lesnar and fans applaud when he possibly mentions Lenar Lesnar's title. Angle says he's serious. Angle says that he has not heard from Lesnar or his representatives within 24 hours, so he is now removing Lesnar from the title. The fans jump but we hear the voice of Paul Heyman. Heyman appears on the scene to a mixed reaction.

Heyman introduces himself but Angle cuts him off and says Heyman is wasting his time unless Lesnar comes out. Heyman acts like he's about to introduce Lesnar but says his client is not there. Angle says Heyman does not give him the choice – he strips Lesnar. Heyman screams again in protest and enters the ring. With all due respect, Heyman thinks that Angle and the WWE Universe have it all wrong. Heyman goes on to say that people think Lesnar is only focusing on his future UFC but that's not true because Lesnar likes to be in WWE, likes to be the Universal Champion. Angle asks why Lesnar is not there. Heyman says that Lesnar wants to represent the entire universe of the WWE and challenge the UFC heavyweight title with the WWE's universal title around its size. Some boo fans. Heyman says that when Lesnar will become the UFC heavyweight champion next time, he will represent the WWE as the Universal Champion, as a two-sports champion

Angle says more power to Lesnar when he is about gold but he's going to keep it simple – Lesnar will defend the title at SummerSlam where he is no longer champion. Fans continue to sing for Angle to take the title. Angle tells Heyman to give him an answer. Heyman gives Angle for his trading skills and says Lesnar will defend the title at SummerSlam. Heyman congratulates all of us, on behalf of his client, for taking the floor and having more than Lesnar. Heyman continues with a promo and now it's up to Angle to know who will be beaten, victim and conquered by Lesnar at SummerSlam. The music interrupts Heyman's starting line and Bobby Lashley came out of it

Lashley says he had two goals in mind when he came back to WWE. He met first by defeating Roman Reigns at Extreme Rules. Now it is time to fulfill each other. Lashley stares at Heyman and pulls him back into the corner. Lashley says the other goal is to beat Lesnar and win the title. The music hits and leaves Drew McIntyre next. McIntyre says he's not back to help align or stand in Dolph Ziggler's corner. The first phase was to get the WWE intercontinental title around the size of Ziggler and now it's time for phase two. Fans sing "yes!" as McIntyre enters the ring now – the universal title. The music interrupts again and Seth Rollins comes out

Rollins enters the ring and climbs on McIntyre's face while the fans make the song "burn it down". Rollins says that if Angle is looking for an opponent for Lesnar, he is there. The next comes Elias with his guitar. Elias enters the ring while talking and says that his first album falls next week. Elias says that Angle should win this success and book it against Lesnar at SummerSlam. Finn Balor is out after his music hits. Balor points out how he was the first Universal Champion and says that it makes sense that it's Balor vs. Lesnar. Roman Reigns is next to a strong mixed reaction. The reigns walk slowly toward the ring while Lashley and others watch on it. Reigns says that he has no excuses and does not care about Lesnar, all he wants is to fight against someone tonight. Angle says that they all deserve to be here. He announces two Triple Threats tonight. The winners will meet next week to determine Lesnar's opponent SummerSlam . It will be Elias vs. Rollins vs. Lashley and Reigns vs. Balor vs. McIntyre, which starts now. The 6 Superstars compete in the ring while the Angle music hits. We're going to the commercial

– Back from the break, Constable Baron Corbin confronts Kurt Angle behind the scenes. Corbin is not happy with Triple Threats and wonders if Angle has even approved the matches. Angle did not think he had to do it. Corbin asks why Angle did not put him in any of the matches and Angle said he did not deserve it.

# 1 Triple Threat Contenders: Roman Reigns Vs. Finn Balor vs. Drew McIntyre

We go into the ring and Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns and Finn Balor all face. The bell rings and they all go there.

Round trip early in the game. Balor McIntyre dropkicks and Reigns McIntyre clotheslines on the top. Balor sends Reigns over the ground. Balor runs the ropes and hits a big dive, taking Reigns and McIntyre off the floor. McIntyre is turning around Balor in the ring now. Reigns is coming but Drew nails a tummy shot for a count of 2. More back and forth now. McIntyre goes back to work on Reigns and nails a suplex for a count of 2. McIntyre works Balor in the corners now. McIntyre turns to Reigns and drops him with one right hand for another count of 2.

McIntyre mounts Reigns with strikes now, keeping him on the ground while the referee warns him. McIntyre drops Balor off the apron and into the barrier. McIntyre takes his time in the ring and stalks Reigns while he is down. McIntyre with a neckbreaker for another 2 relies on Reign. We go to commercial

Back from the break and McIntyre beats Reigns in the corner. McIntyre nails Balor on the floor and brings him back into the ring. McIntyre now keeps Reign and Balor with boots. Reigns is now turning it on McIntyre. Balor drops Reign with a forearm. Reigns drops Balor with a large clothesline. Balor and Reigns are now on the floor. McIntyre runs the rope and nails a huge dive, taking Reigns to the ground. Balor runs and pushes McIntyre into the steel steps. Balor runs off the apron and nails a kick at the back of the neck.

Balor brings him back to the ring with Reign and nails a double blow for a count of 2. Balor ends up going to the top after more back and forth. Balor tries to hit the knockout on Reigns, but Drew arrives on the apron and hits Balor with a steel chair, which is legal under the Triple Threat rules. Balor lands hard. McIntyre arrives on Reigns with the chair, but Reigns returns it with knocks in the corner. Reigns goes first to the shoulder in the ring while McIntyre counts. McIntyre covers an account of 2 while we go back to advertising.

Back from the break and Reigns lands on McIntyre. Reigns calls for the Superman Punch but Drew blocks him and hits a Spinebuster for a count of 2. Balor enters and hits Drew with a steel chair from behind. Balor lands on Reigns with the chair now that the fans are jumping. Balor runs outside the ring and drops Drew into the barrier. Reigns runs and Balor moves but Reigns hits a Spear on Drew in the fence. Balor with a Slingblade on the reigns. Balor brings Reign into the ring now.

Balor with another Slingblade in Reign. Balor leaves for another but Reigns hits the Superman Punch. Balor is still racing at 2. Reigns is talking to himself and shaking the ropes now that some boo fans. Reign calls for the spear but Balor kicks him in the head. Balor pushes Reigns into the corner. Balor goes to the top and hits the Coup de Grâce but Drew breaks the pin by pulling Balor out of the ring. Drew beats Balor and sends him to the steel steps. Drew returns to the ring and becomes hyped until Balor recovers. Reigns nails a Superman punch on Drew. Balor rolls Reign for 2. Balor eats a Superman Punch. Drew with a kiss from Glasgow to Reigns. Reigns dodges a Claymore Kick but hits Balor. Reigns with a Superman Punch to Drew to get him out of the ring. Reign with a spear on Balor for the pin and place in the match next week.

Winner: Roman Reigns

– After the match, Reigns recovers as his music hits. We go to replays. The reigns stand tall like the others are still down.

– Bayley is behind the scenes waiting for Kurt Angle in his office. Angle between and says that Sasha Banks is hidden in her locker room. Bayley says that it is typical of her. Angle asks questions about the counseling session and Bayley says it did not go well, it did not work. It's hard to say for Bayley, but she does not think she and Banks will be together again. Angle announces Bayley and Banks against Alicia Fox and Dana Brooke for tonight. Bayley does not think that's a good idea. Angle says that they are valuable together and one of them will be traded to SmackDown if they can not hear it.

– We see Dolph Ziggler behind the scenes with his title. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break, WWE Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler, as JoJo makes the introduction.

Ziggler says that everything he did to Extreme Rules was what he said he did. He put an absolute clinic. Ziggler tells Robert Downey to relocate because he is now Iron Man. Ziggler goes on to say that something special happened last night: the title of the WWE Intercontinental Title experienced an à la carte tournament for the first time in 17 years and it was not because of Seth Rollins. Ziggler says he respects what Rollins did to make the title what it is today, but it is not Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler says that he beat Rollins 5 times. The music interrupts Bobby Roode

Roode takes the microphone and says that Ziggler would not be here bragging if it was not for Drew McIntyre. Roode says that Ziggler should bow down to McIntyre because if it was not for him, he would tell bad jokes in a comedy club. Ziggler asks Roode how he was watching last night's show on the sidelines. Roode says the sidelines are nil and that's why he's here tonight – to challenge Ziggler for the title, right away. They have a few words and Ziggler accepts the match. Ziggler calls a referee and he comes here

Bobby Roode vs. Dolph Ziggler

JoJo announces it as a title match but Ziggler l 39 ; interrupts. Ziggler says Roode could have a match but it will not be for the title. Ziggler calls to the bell. They lock up and go there. Roode catches Ziggler with a big hip shot and removes him with a headlock. Roode keeps Ziggler to the ground. Ziggler brings him to the corner when the referee warns him. Ziggler takes Roode to the carpet now.

Ziggler keeps Roode on the ground. Roode fights and drops Ziggler with a shoulder of the apron. Roode sends Ziggler out of the ring and lands hard on the ground. Ziggler gets up slowly by the apron but Roode comes out and slams him in the barrier. Roode brings Ziggler back to the ring. Ziggler pleads as Roode approaches. Ziggler brings Roode back and throws him to the ground. Ziggler brings him back immediately and connects with a face shot for a count of 2.

Ziggler keeps Roode on the ground now. Ziggler with more kicks and blows before driving Roode to the mat for a tight 2 count. Roode blocks a shot and is fighting now. Roode with a big clothesline in the corner. Ziggler places Roode in front of the first in the trunnions and tries to turn it around while we return to the pub.

No more back and forth after the break. Roode tries to ride the attack and catches Ziggler in a sidewalk slam. Roode with a splash in the corner. Ziggler blocks a bulldog. Roode keeps control and hits a Blockbuster on the second string. Roode draws the crowd behind him but Ziggler blocks the Glorious DDT with a roll-up for a count of 2. Roode avoids the Fame-bader. They exchange tokens for pin attempts now. Ziggler blocks the Glorious DDT again and hits the Zig Zag for 2 more.

Ziggler speeds up in the corner as Roode tries to get up. Roode grabs the superkick and throws Ziggler into the corner. Roode with a big Spinebuster for another pin attempt. More back and forth now. Roode blocks another Zig Zag attempt and nails Ziggler in the nose. Roode lands badly on his knee and continues to take a jaw superkick. Ziggler covers for the pin

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

– After the match, Ziggler takes the title and leaves the ring while his music plays.

– Commentators review what happened earlier tonight with Angle, Heyman and the 6 Superstars. Reigns also wins the first triple threat to advance to next week's game. Rollins vs. Elias vs. Lashley is still coming tonight.

– We see Lashley's backstage warm up. Lashley says that people say that The Beast does not fear anyone, but The Beast has never faced anyone like him. Lashley continues about SummerSlam and says that he will become Universal Champion. We go to advertising.

– Back from the break, Mojo Rawley approaches Bobby Roode behind the scenes by hitting him. Mojo says Roode is supposed to be glorious. Mojo fixes Roode and goes

Tyler Breeze vs. Mojo Rawley

We go to the ring and Tyler Breeze waits. Cole mentions how Fandango is recovering from a successful shoulder surgery. Mojo Rawley is next.

The bell rings and Mojo immediately shoves Breeze into the corner and goes to work on him. Mojo jumps on Breeze but slips and hits a dropkick. Breeze sends Mojo to the ground now. Breeze follows but Mojo puts him on the outside. Mojo brings him back to the ring for an account of 2 and another. Mojo keeps Breeze ashore in the middle of the ring now that fans are doing dueling songs.

Mojo with more attack and another pin attempt before keeping Breeze on the ground. Mojo talks about trash while Breeze is down. Breeze is looking to return it now. Mojo charges but Breeze moves and Mojo gets out. Mojo goes straight up and takes off from Breeze. Mojo strikes the ropes again and drops Breeze out of the air. Mojo charges back into the corner and hits the big right hand of Lights Out. Mojo follows with an Alamama Slam for the pin

Winner: Mojo Rawley

– After the match, Mojo stands as we go to the replays. Mojo celebrates as his music plays.

– We see Bayley and Sasha Banks walk behind the scenes. Back to Advertising

Dana Brooke and Alicia Fox vs. Sasha Banks and Bayley

Back from the break, Alicia Fox wraps her entrance with Dana Brooke. It's Fox's first televised game since he's suffered an injury earlier this year. Bayley is next. Sasha Banks is next to join Bayley in the ring.

Fox and Bayley go now and now. Bayley with an early pinning attempt. Fox ends up leveling Bayley with a big boot for a count of 2. Dana tags and drops Bayley with a springboard bend. Dana with more attack and shot at Banks, knocking her off the apron. Dana turns to Bayley who makes a comeback. Bayley arrives on Dana and reverses Fox from the apron. Bayley tries to get Dana away but Dana nails a large clothesline around the corner. Dana sends Bayley out of the ring on the floor.

Fox attacks Bayley at the ring but Banks comes to record him. Banks ends up pulling Fox off the apron. Banks brings Dana back to the table and goes back to work on Fox. Banks nails a shoulder strap from the apron, taking Fox and Dana to the ground while the referee counts them all.

Double Count Out

– After the bell, Banks walks and goes straight to the back while Bayley recovers at the edge of the ring.

– Still to come, Elias vs. Rollins against Lashley. In addition, a look at Braun Strowman throwing Kevin Owens to Extreme Rules. Back to advertising

– We go back to Sasha Banks talking to Bayley in the back. Things are barely heating up but Banks says she loves Bayley and has always done it. "I said so," Banks said before leaving

– Advertisers show us images of the Steel Cage match between Braun Strowman and Kevin Owens at Extreme Rules. Renee Young is behind the scenes with Strowman now, asking if he has any regrets for what he's done to Owens. Braun says he regrets … he regrets not having had a chance to congratulate Owens on the win last night. Renee asks Braun why he did not participate in any of the Triple Threat matches to face Brock Lesnar. Braun raises his wallet Money In the Bank and says because he has that. Braun says that he has a title shot and can use it whenever he wants.

– We go on the ring and get out the new RAW Tag Team Champions Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas. They celebrate their title win as we go to trade.

The B Team Against Ascension

Back from the break and the match is underway as The Ascension is out. Dallas lands on Konnor in the corner and plays the crowd. We see The Revival behind the scenes watching this untitled game.

Axel marks and continues the attack on Konnor. Axel loosens Konnor and keeps him on the ground. Konnor repels Axel and Viktor beacon. Dallas also scores but Viktor takes control. Viktor with a big elbow flying in the corner. Viktor eventually reaches the top and hits a flying knee for a count of 2 when Axel breaks the pin.

Konnor rocks Axel and sends it to the apron. Axel unloads Konnor over the ground. Axel scores and hits the double team breaker on Viktor for the pin.

Winners: Team B

– After the match, Axel and Dallas are standing with their titles. The party is interrupted by former champions Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt on the big screen. They tell Team B to enjoy their victory because the fun will not last. They will receive their revenge next week and will take back what belongs to them legitimately. Axel and Dallas will be removed forever next week.

– We see pictures of Ronda Rousey, Nia Jax, Mickie James, Natalya and RAW Women Champion Alexa Bliss at the Extreme Rules. We see Bliss and Mickie behind the scenes while we go to advertising

– Back from the break, Alexa Bliss, Brutal Women Champion with Mickie James

Bliss boasts of keeping Nia Jax at Extreme Rules and how she dominated the women's division for so long. Bliss said it was not hard to outsmart Jax last night and she can now officially say that she beat all the women in the locker room. Some fans start singing for Ronda Rousey and Bliss says Rousey does not count because Rousey is not in the locker room because of her suspension. Bliss says that after last night, Rousey should be suspended indefinitely. Bliss tells how Rousey was just in the crowd as a fan. Rousey appears in the crowd and walks down the stairs while fans cheer

Bliss and Mickie see Rousey go down the steps. Bliss quickly ends his promo and tells everyone to have a good night's sleep. They retreat to the ramp but Rousey appears on the way out to the back. They run to the ring and Rousey pursues them. Bliss runs away but Rousey catches Mickie's leg and stops him. Rousey pushes Mickie into the mat and goes to get the armbar, but Bliss and officials try to take her to a safe place. They leave the ramp, but Rousey loads and brings the whole group to the bottom. Rousey brings Bliss back to the ring by her hair and rolls it. Bliss tries to defend herself but Rousey drops her and goes to get her arm. Officials try to get Bliss out of the ring when Kurt Angle comes out

Angle says Rousey needs to calm down, especially after what she did last night. Angle says that Rousey has more than two days of suspension and must go home to wait. Constable Baron Corbin arrives and says that Rousey must be reprimanded for his actions. Mickie and Bliss support Corbin and agree. Angle says Corbin is right, he has to add another week to Rousey's suspension. Corbin is upset because he says that a week is not long enough. Corbin threatens to call RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon, but he has left his phone at the back. Corbin tells Angle to keep things under control because he will be back. Corbin leaves and Angle takes out his phone. Angle tells Rousey that he will give her a match with Bliss once her stipulation is over, but if she shoots another stunt like this, the match will not happen. Angle adds that the match will be a title shot at SummerSlam. Rousey smiles as Bliss sneaks onto the stage. Rousey's music strikes as she speaks of deception to Bliss

– We have another look at Angle and Heyman earlier tonight. Cole also shows us the highlights of the first triple threat. We go behind the scenes of Seth Rollins and Charly Caruso. Rollins admits that last night was not his night but tonight will be his night, next Monday will be his night and then SummerSlam will be his night when he wins the title. Rollins likes Roman Reigns and they are brothers but Rollins has to do what he has to do if his road to SummerSlam goes through Reigns. Rollins thinks Reigns would say the same thing. He's going away. Elias vs. Rollins vs. Bobby Lashley is yet to come.

The authors of the pain against Titus in the world

Back from the break and we go to the ring as The authors of: Pain come to the ring, Akam and Rear . Then come the Apollo Crews of Titus Worldwide and Titus O Neil

Apollo starts with Akam. Rezar provides early distraction, allowing Akam to kick from behind. Titus ends up falling hard on the floor. Akam raises him to the ground. Akam returns to the ring but Crews nails an enziguri and a dropkick. Rezar scores and hits a big Full Nelson slam on Crews. Rezar shouts to the crowd for a few seconds and goes to work on Crews in the corner.

Akam scores back and they double the crews with another big power shot. They make another label and continue to maltreat the crews. They win the last chapter on crews and cover for easy victory.

Winners: The Painters

– After the match, Akam and Rezar stand high in the ring as we go to the replays. They pose together as the music plays while Titus and Crews are on the outside.

– We see Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan walking behind the scenes. They meet the No Way Jose conga line and keep it moving. Still to come, Logan vs. Ember Moon.

Ember Moon vs. Sarah Logan

Back from the break, Ember Moon arrives for the next game. Sarah Logan goes out with Liv Morgan.

They come and go very early. Logan with an early pinning attempt. Logan takes control and sends Moon to the corner. Moon goes to the top, but Logan leaps up and drops it off the ground. Liv looks out of the ring and likes to see Logan dominate. Logan brings him back into the ring for another pin attempt. Logan rides the moon with strikes now. Logan places Moon on the second string and crushes it as the referee warns him, allowing Liv to shoot a low shot. Logan with a 2 account on the Moon.

Moon is looking to turn it over with a meter now. Logan blocks it and reduces the moon to 2 points. Logan with an arm tender now in the middle of the ring. The moon turns it into 2 points. Logan keeps Moon on the ground again while Moon tries to get out. Moon gets up but Logan slams her and holds her in place. Moon is free and crawls. Logan catches it but the Moon counters. They sway at the same time but it seems that Moon connects with the most punch behind Logan. The moon rides some offense now and delivers knees to the intestine. The moon stuns Logan with a big knee.

Moon keeps control and drops Logan on his face. Liv's moon shots from the apron. Logan takes advantage and comes from behind for a roll-up for an account of 2. Moon with a big kick for a 2 account. No more back and forth between the two. Moon Logan dropkicks out of the ring. Moon runs the ropes and makes a suicide plunge, sending Logan into the barrier. The Moon brings him back into the ring for an account of 2 close. Moon goes back to the top but Liv distracts her, allowing Logan to take the advantage and bring her back to the pin and the win.

Winner: Sarah Logan

– After the match, Logan and Liv hit the ramp while Moon looks from the ring

– We see Elias behind the scenes with his guitar. Wyatt & Hardy vs. RAW Tag Team Champions The Team B for Next Week

# 1 Contenders Triple Threat: Elias vs. Seth Rollins vs. Bobby Lashley

Let's go to the ring for the # 39; main event tonight and Elias came out with his guitar. He hits Buffalo and plugs his first album out on Tuesday. Elias reveals the name of the album – Walk With Elias. He talks about how he will be the WWE Universal Champion and a successful recording artist. Elias starts playing his last song, taking pictures of Buffalo and tonight's opponents. The music finally interrupts and leaves Seth Rollins. The winner of this match will face Roman Reigns next week to determine the new No. 1 contender for WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar. We go to the commercial like Rollins pose in the corner.

Back from the break and just out Bobby Lashley. Elias attacks Rollins while he watches Lashley make his entrance. Elias moves away before the bell rings. The referee checks Rollins and ensures that he is able to leave. The bell rings and Elias will work on Rollins in the corner. Lashley arrives and stops him, the growing offense of his own. Rollins ends up taking Elias on the floor. Rollins returns to the ring and fights with Lashley while Elias is still on the outside.

Rollins takes Lashley and keeps him on the ground. Lashley fights and takes Rollins in the middle of the next ring. Rollins fights and they run the ropes. Rollins nails a dropkick. Rollins takes Lashley in turns now. The costs of Rollins but are thrown at the apron. Rollins fights Lashley and stepping stones but Lashley hits him in the intestine. Rollins with a big knee while Elias enters and hits Lashley in the corner. Elias rolls Rollins for a 2 account. Rollins against a powerbomb of Elias. Elias returns with one knee for a count of 2. We see behind the scenes of Heyman, Angle and Corbin watching the game. Back to the advertisement.

Back from the break, Elias Rollins in the middle of the ring. Lashley returns to the ring and unloads Elias. Lashley avec un gros coup de tête à Elias. Lashley avec un neckbreaker sur Rollins. Lashley avec une grande épaule à Elias dans le coin. Lashley récupère Elias pour le suplex vertical mais Rollins le brise. Ils y vont et Lashley attrape Rollins avec un powerslam. Lashley redescend Elias et couvre pour un compte de 2.

Lashley attend qu'Elias se lève mais il roule sur le sol à la place. Lashley suit mais Elias l'envoie dans le ring. Rollins plonge mais Elias l'évite. Elias envoie Lashley dans un autre ring post maintenant. Elias le ramène dans le ring et monte au sommet. Elias frappe le grand coude volant à Lashley pour un 2 serré. Rollins sort de nulle part pour un grand Frogsplash sur Lashley mais Elias jette Rollins au sol et tente de voler l'épingle. Lashley est toujours en tête à 2.

Les 3 Superstars sont maintenant en panne. Elias se lève et pèse sur Rollins. Rollins glisse des épaules d'Elias pendant qu'ils vont et viennent. Rollins cloue un Blockbuster à partir de la deuxième corde mais Elias donne un coup de pied à 2. Les fans chantent "burn down" alors que Rollins se concentre sur Elias et monte avec lui. Elias envoie Rollins au tapis. Lashley arrive et grimpe avec Elias maintenant. Lashley opte pour un super ventre contre ventre, mais Rollins court. Rollins avec une bombe de boucle à Lashley à travers le ring. Rollins remonte l'autre côté et frappe le superplex sur Elias. Rollins le détient pour un Falcon Arrow sur Elias. Elias est toujours en tête à 2.

Rollins est maintenant au milieu de l'anneau. Elias trébuche au bord du ring. Lashley est également sur le sol. Rollins court les cordes et cloue un plongeon suicide à Elias maintenant. Rollins ramène Elias et fait un plongeon suicidaire sur Lashley. Rollins revient avec un enziguri et un Slingblade à Elias. Rollins lève les bras quand la foule chante et l'encourage. Rollins frappe Elias et frappe The Stomp mais Lashley brise l'épingle juste à temps. Les 3 Superstars sont de nouveau à terre alors que l'arbitre les contrôle. Elias roule sur le sol. Rollins avec un gros avant-bras à Lashley. Rollins avec plus de grèves. Lashley se bat alors qu'ils échangent de gros coups au milieu de l'anneau. Rollins bascule Lashley dans les cordes mais Lashley le retourne à l'envers avec une corde à linge. Lashley récupère Rollins pour le suplex vertical et le tient pendant quelques secondes.

Lashley attend que Rollins se lève et appelle le Spear. Rollins saute par-dessus la Lance. Rollins roule Lashley pour un 2 compte. Rollins donne un coup de pied à Lashley dans le visage. Rollins va pour The Stomp mais Elias tire Rollins hors du ring. Elias court sur le ring mais Lashley frappe le Spear. Lashley couvrira l'épingle et la place la semaine prochaine contre Reigns.

Gagnant: Bobby Lashley

– Après le match, Lashley se tient droit devant les replays. Reigns vs Lashley est confirmé pour la semaine prochaine. Nous revenons à Lashley faisant sa sortie sur la rampe au rythme de sa musique. Rollins et Elias récupèrent à l'anneau. RAW sort de l'air avec Lashley célébrant sur scène

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