Young people share their woes with the new hashtag #StrugglesOfAMillennial – Ireland – Brinkwire


To find a savings job for homes, there are a lot of struggles that millennia are facing these days.

The hashtag #StrugglesOfAMillennial took off on Twitter. People have used it to make jokes and share the woes of being part of the younger generation.

Here are 11 of the best hashtag Tweets.

1. Language is a problem

#StrugglesOfAMillennial tryna does not use "like", like every sentence.

2. The True Millennial Fight

What do you mean, there is no WiFi here?

3. The worst thing to see on a job application

"Bachelors degree required, Master's degree." Starting at $ 15 (no benefits) "#StrugglesOfAMillennial

4. I forgot to put an emoji at the end of my post and I think now they hate me.

5. "I can not even!"


Trying to "peer". Because usually I can not

6. The children of the 1990s will include

Being an old millennium trying to explain to a young millennium why you could not use the Internet and the phone from the home at the same time when you were their age. #StrugglesOfAMillennial

7. Putting your meal on Instagram can be a fight

Poor restaurant lighting making it difficult to get a good picture of your meal

8. Trying to become vegan is difficult

Being vegan is a bit of hip, but damn I want a turkey sandwich # StrugglesOfAMillennial

9. Unnecessary Netflix Warnings

Yes Netflix, of course I'm still watching ?? #StrugglesOfAMillennial

10. The fight is real

#StrugglesOfAMillennial my phone charger does not reach my bed!

11. Finally, as this person points out, Generation Y is no longer so young!

Constantly categorized as a child when one is really 30, married, having a career and a home ??♀️ #StrugglesOfAMillennial

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