YouTuber Simone Giertz launches Kickstarter for his personal improvement schedule


Simone Giertz, YouTuber and creator of "Sh * tty Robots", has launched a Kickstarter to fund a calendar product for self-improvement.

The Every Day calendar, made from a printed circuit board, traces the good habits throughout the year thanks to LEDs.

The user simply touches each day of the calendar when a daily task, such as meditation, is over and the calendar records the progress of the person.

On the Kickstarter page, Giertz said, "Take someone else's who has never managed to keep the New Year's resolution: it's easy to make commitments. Keeping them is difficult.

"The Everyday Calendar has a non-volatile memory. Even if he goes out or goes out, he will remember the number of days on. I keep my habits, I type that day to turn it on. It's like getting a sticker with a golden star, but a lot less sticky.

"The Everyday Calendar contains a 0% Internet connection, so you do not need any applications, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or computer programs to configure it. Just plug it into the wall and you're ready to go. "

The Swedish inventor, who has created a video channel for comic book robots that do not always work as expected, has more than one million subscribers on YouTube.

She gained online recognition for her unusual inventions, including an alarm clock that wakes her up with a mannequin hand.

Although Giertz has created many technological inventions throughout his career, this calendar will be the first of his inventions available for sale.

In seven hours, Giertz's crowdfunding page had raised more than $ 170,000 (about £ 130,000) from his initial fundraising goal of $ 35,000 (about £ 26,000).

The daily schedule costs $ 300 for Kickstarter contributors.

The product is expected to be delivered by December 2019.

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