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Zoe Kravitz’s new, naked Rolling Stone cover has a surprisingly poignant backstory.

Appearing on the cover of the magazine’s November issue, Kravitz recreated her actress mom Lisa Bonet’s own Rolling Stone photo shoot, which ran in the May 1988 issue. Bonet was two months pregnant at the time – welcoming Zoe into the world on Dec. 1, 1988 with dad Lenny Kravitz – so the magazine ran a photo of her wearing a white button-down on the issue’s cover, saving her bad shot for its inside pages.

“I think she was a little bummed when they used the shirt picture as the cover,” Kravitz told Rolling Stone. “I think she just thought, ‘I’m doing it, let’s do it!’ ”

Kravitz says she expressed her preference to use her own bad photo for the magazine’s cover, to honor her mom’s original wishes. “It’s less about the picture, and more about doing the thing my mom intended to do,” she said. “That feels cool.”

Kravitz shared her cover, alongside the two photos of her mom, on Instagram Sunday, writing, “Life imitates art.”

More: Lenny Kravitz talks new album, racism and not being ‘black enough’


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