Is Arya secretly dead? This major clue proves that it could be


Warning: season 8,
Episode 5 spoilers to come. Obviously.

Game of thrones Fans are still shocked by the events that took place during the penultimate episode of the series. There was so much death, destruction, revenge and surprise twists that viewers were constantly nervous. More alarmingly, Daenerys Targaryen threw herself into the Queen's madness and burned the whole city.

See the creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss intentionally
showed the entire episode from the ground after Arya Stark while she was sailing
the burning streets and the dying citizens. Fans were nervous about the beloved
character and emotions
ran high
for the entire episode. In a way, she survived the destruction and left
the ruined city on a white horse that came out of nowhere.

Or did she survive? Some fans have a interesting
about the end that could change everything.

Arya Stark
Arya Stark | HBO

The fans think they have found that Arya is secretly dead at the game.

After spending what seemed like hours wandering the streets, Arya Stark narrowly escapes the crash for a hundredth century crushed by a ruined building. She comes out dirty and stunned in a world of ashes and rubbish strangely silent. The impression is that everyone and everything is dead.

Then, out of nowhere, a white horse appears. After a poignant exchange between the two men, Arya climbs on the messenger and goes on an adventure to plan an act of revenge against her new enemy, the mad queen. But fans are wondering how she can defeat Dany. They wonder how she managed to survive the siege when almost nobody did. Then there are skeptical fans who wonder if Arya actually died during the episode and no one knew it.

Arya Stark
Arya Stark | HBO

The horse looked too familiar

Do you remember the horse at the head of the Golden Company at the beginning of the episode? Fans can not help but notice that it looks almost identical to the horse riding up to save the day at the end. But here's the problem: we had just watched this horse die at the beginning of the episode.

As a fan once said, "Yes, I am more
Of course, Arya is dead too. She burned everything and a building fell on her. They
makes a point of showing us the death of the horse and the innumerable deaths of
Arya. And yet, both are reborn from their ashes. If it's not a lord of light
shit, I'm going to be pissed off. "

Even if Arya is dead, it's not okay
means that she's gone

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark on
Maisie Williams as Arya Stark on "Game of Thrones" | Helen Sloane / HBO

The skeptics of the theory emphasize
that Arya appears in the preview of the final episode, what they say is
proof that she was not dead. But anyone who has watched the show knows that
death is only temporary sometimes. Just look at Jon Snow. And Beric. And the mountain.
Death is not a permanent end. Sometimes it's just the beginning.

Arya is now an integral part of the series and it is virtually guaranteed that we will not see her the last time … even though she died at King's Landing.

We can not wait to see what happens


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