Is red wine good for the health of your heart? A cardiologist explains.


Here is a transcript of the video.

Jack: This is a glass of inviting wine. It contains about 125 calories, about 15% alcohol by volume and some antioxidants. Of course, we have not always thought of it in a scientific way. Humans have been drinking wine since the Middle Ages. The ancient Greeks even worshiped a god of wine. It was not until the 20th century that we began to wonder if red wine was good for us.

And this question is now more relevant than ever. After all, Americans have never consumed so much wine in their lives, but recent studies have shown that no amount of alcohol is good for health, and it seems pretty absurd that after all this time, something so deeply rooted in culture can suddenly be bad. for you. And if 10,000 years of human history were wrong?

Jack: Rollin & # 39;

Dr. Nicole Harkin: If someone arrives and has never consumed alcohol before, I certainly would not recommend starting to drink.

Jack: So, how often do patients ask you about red wine?

Harkin: It's certainly a common question I get. So I think that the types of patients who come to see me are asking questions about the consumption of alcohol. It's from the top with stress. We all live in New York, you know.

Jack: I started asking myself where exactly had the idea that red wine is good for you? To answer that, we have to go to France. We are in 1976. We are on May 24 and the best judges of France wines meet for a blind tasting to decide which wines are the best in the world.

George Taber: The judges were the greatest wine experts that France had to offer.

Jack: That is George Taber, the only journalist of the event who is now calling the Judgment of Paris, who will change the world of wine forever.

Taber: Believe it or not, Californian wines have won in both the white and red categories.

Jack: George reported the news, the French were furious and the Americans happily enjoyed something that they did not even really know how to be good. Until then, wine was not a widely consumed drink in the United States.

Taber: Well, it was starting to get pretty popular, but not that much, it was still a bit of a drink snobs …

Jack: The consumption and production of wine would increase considerably during this period, paving the way for what would happen. As wine drank in America, something else was developing: the waistline.

Ribbon: 600 quality sausages pass by the famous Hot Dog Highway.

Jack: An increase in processed foods has increased the amount of sugar and salt that Americans consume daily, causing a national obsession with weight and, more importantly, health. It was the ideal stage for what was going to happen next.

Harkin: In all countries, if you establish a pattern of saturated fat and cholesterol consumption in animals to fight cardiovascular disease, you will find a linear relationship that the more you eat animal products, the lower the rate mortality is high. The French seemed, whatever their reason, despite a significant intake of saturated fats, present a lower risk of cardiovascular death.

Jack: This went against the conventional science of the time, but the French, despite their love of fatty meat, cheese and butter, had apparently found a loophole. In 1989, this unusual trend was invented by the French paradox. Two years later, "60 Minutes" aired a flagship program explaining the French paradox and suggesting that the regular consumption of red wine in France was what protected their hearts.

Morley Safer: So, the answer to the riddle, the explanation of the paradox, lies perhaps in this inviting glass.

Jack: At the time, the most-rated TV show was "60 Minutes", and the middle-aged boomers now had this in mind: you can eat all the meat, cheese and cheese. butter you want, you just have to drink more wine. Sales in the 1990s exploded. The vineyards grew and everyone was drinking the new hot drink. The good reputation of the wine is often attributed to its antioxidants like resveratrol, but there is not enough resveratrol in the wine to have any beneficial effects. Right now, it's just a good marketing term. It turns out that red wine is not only beneficial for health. This is any alcoholic drink.

Harkin: With respect to alcohol, it has been consistently demonstrated in all population types, socio-economic profiles, that this moderate consumption, for whatever reason, appears to be related to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, even lower than those who do not drink.

Jack: Studies over the years have shown that moderate alcohol consumption was generally related to a lower risk of heart disease, and as with the French paradox …

Harkin: They also found that French doctors consistently under-reported cardiovascular disease for whatever reason.

Jack: In a report published in 1999, not only were coronary deaths massively underreported in France, but also French men were more likely to die from gastrointestinal cancer, to commit suicide, to die so violent or dying only by accident men in other European countries. In other words, the French would die too much to even develop heart disease. Dr. Harkin returned to the essential point: when it comes to health, it's important to know that something is not going to make us healthy. It is rather a combination of different things that we have all heard over and over again.

Harkin: So, even if eating dark chocolate, red wine and all that seems fun, cool and sexy, unfortunately, it's a lot more boring than that, and it's eating its fruits, its vegetables, its whole grains, its beans Exercise All of these other activities, while very interesting and potentially important, are probably more peripheral and will have rather mild consequences.

Jack: So, red wine is not like a saving grace?

Harkin: Yeah, that's wrong, as I said, it just does not work … it's not going to protect you from the cheeseburger you had the night before.

Jack: It's a pity.

Harkin: I know.

Get your heart checked, visit Dr. Harkin at Manhattan Cardiovascular Associates


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