Is the Ebola virus out of control in the DRC? | Ebola


Doctors say they are terrified by the spread of the worst Ebola outbreak ever recorded in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

More than 1,100 people have died since August.

1,760 cases have been reported; a fifth of them last month alone.

This is the 10th Ebola outbreak in the DRC since the disease was discovered more than 40 years ago.

Aid workers are clamoring for money and protection after the deaths of three people during an attack on a treatment center last week.

The World Health Organization has recorded at least 119 attacks against health workers since the beginning of the year.

Why is the country repeatedly hit by the disease and why are health workers not getting enough help?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan


Al Kitenge – Congolese political analyst

Sterghios Machos – Associate Professor and Geneticist at Northumbria University

Axelle Ronsse – Emergency Coordinator for Doctors Without Borders who was in the DRC before an attack forced her organization to suspend its work

Source: Al Jazeera News


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