Is the "mirror world" real? Scientists move to discover the portal in a "parallel universe"



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The success of the experiment would essentially confirm the existence of the "mirror world", as well as refute the theory of conventional physics on this issue.

Leah Broussard, a physicist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, is now trying to confirm the existence of the so-called "mirror material" and "open a portal to a parallel universe," as NBC News says.

According to the media, the experiment involves sending a beam of subatomic particles past a powerful magnet and directly into an impenetrable wall.

If the experiment succeeds, some of the particles will turn into mirror images and pass through the wall, offering scientists the first evidence of the existence of the "mirror world".

Commenting on this evolution, Broussard herself described the experience as being "fairly simple" and "we tinkered with parts that we found lying around with the help of equipment and resources that we already in Oak Ridge. "

"It all boils down to: Are we able to pass neutrons through a wall?" she said, noting that "we should not see any neutrons" if the theory of conventional physics is correct; but if neutrons appear, it would mean that "conventional physics is false and the world of mirrors is real".

The media also notes that Klaus Kirch of the Paul Scherrer Institute in Zurich is also conducting a "complementary experiment", seeking to "capture slow neutrons, hitting them with a magnetic field and then counting to see if all the particles are still The".

"If some neutrons oscillated in mirrored neutrons, they would disappear from our device," said Kirch.


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