Is the Whole30 diet low in carbohydrates?


When a friend tells you that she is addicted to carbs, she is probably talking about cupcakes and bagels. . . not the quinoa. But if you choose the Whole30 diet, you will have to temporarily say goodbye to a wide range of good and bad carbs. (That's one of the reasons the plan is somewhat controversial.) So, is Whole30 just another low-carb diet disguised? POPSUGAR has maintained with Mary Claire Shurina, MS, RD, LD, to find out.

"The Whole30 insists on the elimination of some carbohydrate-rich foods such as grains, sugars (both natural and artificial), dairy products, and legumes," said Mary Claire at POPSUGAR. "Vegetables, however, are allowed in this diet and can be consumed freely.Fruits, although more limited, are also approved by Whole30 and classified as carbohydrates." As a result, Whole30 may appear to have lower carbohydrate content than other diets, but you can easily tailor your intake to your specific needs.

It's a good thing, since in good health Carbohydrates are an essential part of any diet. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body, says Mary Claire – they feed your brain and your internal organs, while facilitating digestion and regulating cholesterol.

To make sure you're tired of the right things, Mary Claire recommends eating lots and lots of vegetables. "They are high in carbohydrates, but they have little effect on blood sugar levels because of their fiber content," she said. You should aim for at least one serving of vegetables at every meal. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes and butternut squash will have more carbohydrates than scaleless varieties such as leafy greens, asparagus and mushrooms – but they all deserve a place on your plate.

Whole30's guidelines do not exactly recommend snacking on fruit all day, but fruits are also acceptable and encouraged. Mary Claire suggests starting with two servings a day, to consume with meals. Berries are its favorite fruit for Whole30 because they are high in fiber and sugar, less than other fruits. If you need a quick breakfast or a snack between meals, "some brands of fruit and nut snack bars like RXBAR and LĂ„RABAR are also consistent with Whole30", did you? she said.

So, how do you know if you consume enough carbs for your lifestyle and your level of activity? "Ideally, a person should be able to spend a few hours between meals with a sense of satisfaction and energy.If you feel tired or lack energy, this could indicate that you are not consuming enough carbohydrates or calories, "said Mary Claire. . Since Whole30 does not impose any restrictions on the intake of macronutrients, you can eat as much carbohydrate as your body needs. So try adding more fruits or starchy vegetables. If you're struggling to reach your ideal carbohydrate intake, Mary Claire suggests using a dietitian to determine exactly what you need to feel better.


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