27% think non-smokers should be given priority for lung cancer treatment


By Joe Leogue

In Ireland, more than one in four people believe that non-smokers with lung cancer should give priority to their medical treatment compared to smokers, according to a survey.

The discoveries, which mark the beginning of the International Month of Lung Cancer Awareness, occur as the wife of a man who died of lung cancer said the company needed to bring less judgment to those who suffer from the disease.

A survey of 1,017 adults on behalf of the Marie Keating Foundation's "I'm lung cancer" campaign found that 27% of the population think non-smokers with lung cancer should give priority to their treatment compared to smokers.

It was also found that 17% of respondents believe that health insurers do not cover smokers with lung cancer and 34% of adults believe that lung cancer patients are stigmatized by the public, unlike to other cancer patients.

One in 10 said that he thought that was acceptable.

Broadcaster Venetia Quick lost her husband, Martin, to lung cancer earlier this year.

In launching the Marie Keating Foundation's campaign, Ms. Quick explained how stigma and judgment can be felt.

When you are diagnosed with lung cancer, there is always a person who is going to "mouth up" and refer to "those bloody cigarettes," she said.

"When we diagnose cancer, it's a tragedy. It does not matter what cancer is. We all make different life choices. Cancer is not one of them.

Venetia Quick, who lost her husband Martin to early-year lung cancer, is launching the Marie Keating Foundation's "I'm lung cancer" campaign.

"When you are caring for and caring for someone you love with lung cancer, it is so difficult to hear those words of blame and judgment. We need to exercise less judgment when someone is contracting lung cancer.

Nobody chooses cancer and everyone can contract it.

Liz Yeates, CEO of the Marie Keating Foundation, said more people die each year from lung cancer than any other type of cancer.

It kills more women than bad cancer, despite many more bad cancer cases than lung cancer and more men die of lung cancer than prostate cancer or testicles, " she said.

"Many people have a picture of what they think is a lung cancer patient, but this campaign illustrates the diversity of people they can reach. We want to change the conversation and make lung cancer go from judgment to empathy and support behavior. "

The survey found that 16% of respondents said they were knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms of lung cancer, compared with 31% who said they were knowledgeable about bad cancer and 26% about cancer. skin.

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