Chemicals found in green tea and wine 'could treat metabolic diseases'


Two compounds present in red wine and green milk metabolic diseases (1965).

New research has found that gallstone epigallocatechin (EGCG), which naturally occurs in green tea, and which is found in red wine, may block the formation of toxic metabolites, ie, substances that are not directly harmful to the body but can become toxic after they have been metabolized in the liver.

a key enzyme deficiency.

Patients generally follow a strict diet for their entire lives.

Red wine contains tannic acid, which the researchers believe could help treat conbad metabolic diseases (Paul Harding / PA)

Shira Shaham-Niv, a doctoral Student at Tel Aviv University's Faculty of Life Sciences, said: "In the case of inborn conbad metabolic diseases, the body does not produce a vital metabolic enzyme.

"As a result, metabolites – substances that are, among other things, the building blocks of DNA and proteins – accumulate in the body.

"Such uncontrolled accumulation is toxic and can cause severe developmental and mental disorders."

The researchers from Tel Aviv University is working on two compounds – EGCG and tannic acid.

They say that EGCG has recently become aware of the formation of toxic amyloid structures that cause neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Tannic acid is known to prevent starch-like protein structures that can cause diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's (Yui Mok / PA)

The two substances were tested on three metabolites linked to three inherited metabolic diseases: adenine, cumulative tyrosine and phenylalanine.

Both tannic acid and EGCG were effective in blocking the formation of toxic amyloid structures, the researchers said.

Ms Shaham-Niv said: "We are entering into a new era of understanding the role of metabolites in various metabolites. diseases, including metabolic diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and even cancer.

"The tools we have developed into a wide range of patients in the future."

The research is published in Nature's group journal Communications Chemistry.

– Press Association

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