Israeli study reveals that positive emotions can reduce cancerous tumors


Technion researchers stimulate dopamine production in mouse brains, say it stimulates the immune response, thereby reducing growth by 50%

A laboratory mouse A new study by Israeli researchers found that positive emotions can help limit cancer growth.

The study, published Friday in the scientific journal Nature Communications, was performed on mice by a research team of the Israel Technion. The researchers said that while previous studies had linked the emotional state to the body's ability to fight cancer, they focused primarily on negative emotions and not on "the impact of mental attributes." positive on cancer ". cancer biology. "

The mechanism by which emotions affect the immune system and its response to tumors has not yet been well understood until now, they said. 9005] A regulator of the immune system's activity in the body consists of myeloid-derived suppressive cells (MDSCs). These suppress the immune response to certain threats, a critical function to prevent the body from overreacting.

But the activity of MDSC is believed to inhibit the body's ability to fight tumors.

In their new study, the researchers artificially they then identified a response of the mouse's immune system, with a reduction in the activity of MDSCs.

] After 14 days of continuous treatment, the researchers identified a 50% reduction in tumor size.

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