12 innovations that could make reverse aging a reality


Aging is just a natural part of life, and it can not be avoided. At least, that is what most of us have accepted when it comes to getting older. But for decades, scientists have worked to unlock the key to keeping us young and healthy.

Although it may seem odd, there have been incredible breakthroughs in anti-aging technology. As we continue to learn more about the human body and how it works, we are getting closer and closer to making old age a thing of the past. Here are some of the surprising innovations that could make reverse aging a reality.

1. Stem Cell Technology: Reprogramming Aging Cells

In 2016, researchers at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies in California successfully reprogrammed older mouse cells using cells pluripotent induced strains. These stem cells are generated from adult cells and allow scientists to reprogram the skin cells in the embryonic state.

The researchers found that the mice whose cells had been reprogrammed lived 30% longer than the non-reprogrammed control group.

The use of induced pluripotent stem cells carries risks, and the tests on humans are far from over, but the study has provided up to now some of the data on them. more interesting about the use of stem cells in anti-aging efforts. [19659007] 12 Innovations that could make reverse aging a reality “/>

Source: Salk Institute

2. Mutant Targetting mtDNA: Repairing Aging Cells

In November 2016, researchers at CalTech and UCLA discovered a method of manipulating mitochondria from cells to effectively repair DNA. The cells usually contain two types of DNA found in mitochondria – normal mtDNA and mutant mtDNA. The study noted that the accumulation of mutant mitochondrial DNA over time causes aging cells and eventually their death.

The study investigated whether autophagy, or the process by which cells eat each other, could be used to target the mutant. MtDNA and prevent the aging process

They managed to increase mitophagy activity in a fruit fly, noting a net reduction of mutant mtDNA in its muscle cells. Time will tell if similar techniques can be used to reduce aging or repair old cells in humans.

  12 innovations that could make reverse aging a reality
Source: Alexquaas / Wikimedia Commons

3. Enable Splicing Factors: Crafting Reversalogues to Encourage Cell Division

By the end of 2017, BMC Cell Biology published research from the University . Exeter and the University of Brighton in the United Kingdom. a breakthrough in reverse aging technology. The work is based on a previous discovery from the University of Exeter, which showed that splicing factors in cells become inactive with age.

The study found that by introducing reverse inversion, similar to chemical resveratrol present in red wine, reactivated in older cells. This meant that cells would continue to divide as younger cells, rejuvenate cells and prevent cell aging and death. The implications of this research could mean longer life, reduced signs of aging, and better health in later years.

  12 Innovations that Could Transform Inverse Aging into Reality
Source: Quinn Dombrowski / Wikimedia Commons

4. Rejuvenate Bio: Reverse the aging process in dogs

Who would not want a puppy that stays cute and young forever? A secret start-up at Harvard, known as Rejuvenate Bio, has been working on technology to reverse the aging process in dogs. Although we know little about the company's research methods, it has been suggested that they alter certain genes in order to target and eliminate the risk of heart disease, kidney diseases, etc.

The company mainly focuses on Cocker Spaniels. Doberman Pinschers for the moment because both breeds have a short shelf life because of their genetics. Rejuvenate Bio believes that its reverse aging on dogs is a marketable service, which will speed up the FDA's approval and pave the way for human trials.

  12 innovations that could make reverse aging a reality
Source: Ralph Arvesen / Flickr

5. Senolytic drugs: combining pre-existing drugs to achieve reverse aging

Just this month Nature Medicine published research from the National Institute of Aging that concluded that combining and injecting pre-existing drugs could prolong life and delay age related health problems. The study was conducted on mice that were treated with dasatinib and quercetin. Dasatinib is usually used to treat forms of leukemia, while quercetin is found in fruits and vegetables.

The researchers found that senescent cells were selectively eliminated and that the deterioration in mouse velocity and mobility decreased significantly.

In fact, naturally aged mice treated with study drugs lived 36% longer than their counterparts in the control group. If similar results can be replicated in humans, it would mean that we already have drugs that could reverse aging and extend our shelf life.

  12 innovations that could make reverse aging a reality
Source: stevepb / Pixabay [19659009] 6. Synthetic Peptides: Intervening in the Aging Process

Last month, new research emerged Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine at Marshall University suggesting that the Na / K-ATPase (NAKL) oxidative amplification loop could be targeted for anti-aging interventions. The researchers also tested pNaKtide, a synthetic peptide that could further reduce the risk of disease and the effects of aging.

Researchers first tested their theories on Western-raised mice to counteract NAKL. This provided evidence of aging, which was then treated with pNaKtide.

Treatment slowed down the aging process that had been stimulated by NAKL. They then tested the treatment on human dermal fibroblasts, and recorded similar results. This suggests that if we can effectively target NAKL and intervene with pNaKtide treatment, we could potentially significantly slow down the aging process.

  12 innovations that could make reverse aging a reality
Source: Rama / Wikimedia Commons

7. Smoothing Cells: Using Viruses to Smooth Cellular Wrinkles

It's not just your skin that wrinkles as you get older, it turns out that our cells are wrinkling too. In May of this year, researchers from the University of Virginia Medical School (19459008) discovered that many aging effects, such as fatty liver, could be the result of kernel folding. cell. When the nuclei crumple, it prevents the DNA from functioning as it should.

So, what do you do if you have wrinkled nuclei? Well, according to their research, we might be able to use viruses to smooth nuclear membranes. They believe that viruses could be modified to transport and deliver laminates – a protein that can smooth cells. In doing so, the cells could again function as young cells, reversing the effects of aging and protecting against multiple health risks.

  12 Innovations That Could Make Inverse Aging a Reality
Source: Phoebus87 / Wikimedia Commons [19659009] 8. Young Blood: Pumping Youth Into the Veins

This might look like something else. 39 a vampire story, but young blood might actually be the key to reversing the aging process. In February of this year, Cell Reports published a study which suggested that the blood of young people could be decisive in the fight against aging.

In this study, researchers found that the blood of young mice was introduced into the blood of older mice, it stimulates the production of neurons and stem cells in the brain of the older mouse. This has actually driven their brains working more like those of their younger counterparts, reversing the effects of aging on their cognition.

Clinical trials are already underway where plasma from 16 to 24 years old will be introduced into the systems of elderly humans. So far, the results have been promising, but it will still take time before everyone starts to charge young blood to stay young.

  12 innovations that could make reverse aging a reality
Source: redelarosa0 / Pixabay [19659009] 9. Anti-aging pills: treatment of age with drugs

Researchers The Paul F. Glenn Center for Aging Biology at Harvard Medical School believe that they might be able to create anti-aging pills.

Following a study published in March 2017, researchers used nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD +) to reverse the signs of aging in mice.

NAD + is a molecule found in cells that is essential for maintaining healthy cell function. cellular aging. In the experiment, scientists put a few drops of NAD + in the water of the mouse. Within hours, NAD + levels in their cells increased significantly. Within a week, the tissues of NAD + -fed mice inverted at younger levels.

A human trial was conducted in November 2017, which showed such promising results. If NAD + supplements can get FDA approval, we will soon have a reverse aging pill on our shelves.

  12 innovations that could make reverse aging a reality
Source: Marco Verch / Flickr

10. Reversing aging with cannabis: Improving brain function with THC

Strange as it may seem, cannabis could actually be the key to reversing the signs of aging and improving cognitive abilities. This is what has been suggested by research from the University Bonn and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem that was published in May of last year.

The study has seen researchers successfully reverse the biological status of the brain in mice aged 12 months and 18 months. The test mice were treated with THC in small, non-intoxicating doses for a period of four weeks. They were rated as surpbading the control group who received placebo, and showed cognitive performance similar to that of younger mice. This could mean that non-intoxicant THC treatments may allow older humans to regain juvenile levels of cognition.

  12 innovations that could make reverse aging a reality
Source: James St. John / Flickr

11. Anti-aging bacteria: the use of bacteria to create anti-aging pills

Some researchers believe that the key to reversing the aging process lies in a bacterium found in Easter Island. Rapamycin is already used in transplantation medications and as an immunosuppressant, but scientists now believe that it could be used to reverse the effects of aging.

In a series of experiments, rapamycin has been shown to delay death in worms, flies and mice. . More recent studies focus on dogs as subjects tested, with the goal of one day using rapamycin in an anti-aging pill for humans.

Although many companies are fighting to be the first to receive a rapamycin pill

  12 Innovations that could make reverse aging a reality
Source: Enzymlogic / Flickr

12. Gene Deletion: Deletion of Selective Genes to Increase Longevity

In 2015, researchers from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging and the University of Washington revealed that after ten years of research, they had succeeded in identifying and could prolong life. The researchers identified 238 cells that, once eliminated, resulted in a 60% increase in lifespan

Several of the identified genes are also present in mammals, which means that theoretically the same process could be applied to humans. That said, it took researchers 10 years to find and remove the genes responsible for aging in yeast through a process of trial and error. Replication of results in humans may take a long time, although the results are always encouraging.

  12 innovations that could make reverse aging a reality
Source: ColiN00B / Pixabay

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