Can-Fite BioPharma Receives Australian and Chinese Patents for a New Drug for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction


July 17, 2018

Can-Fite BioPharma Ltd., a biotechnology company that develops a portfolio of proprietary small molecule drugs that address liver disease, inflammatory diseases, and badual dysfunction, announced today. The Australian and Chinese patent offices granted the Company a patent for the use of A3 receptor ligands for adenosine in the treatment of badual dysfunction, in a patent (Australian, No. 2013301125ZL, Chinese No. 2013800472970) entitled "A3 adenosine receptor ligands for the treatment of badual dysfunction."

The Company has investigated compounds that target the A3 receptor. Adenosine (A3AR) and the Company's CF602 drug candidate has already demonstrated a robust positive effect in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in preclinical studies. Can-Fite received a similar patent in the United States for the method of treating erectile dysfunction with different A3 receptor ligands for adenosine (A3AR) and a composition of matter for allosteric compounds

"With this strong intellectual property around erection. dysfunction indication, we are actively seeking a partner who will help us with the clinical development and marketing approval for this important indication.We believe that this approach in the treatment of erectile dysfunction has the potential to provide patients with an effective and safe medication, "said Can-Fite CEO Dr. Pnina Fishman

Grand View Research Inc. believes that the therapeutic market value of erectile dysfunction will reach about $ 3.2 billion by 2022.

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