More patients with kidney stones may have non-invasive treatment


People with kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) should have better access to non-invasive procedures, according to the National Institute for Health and Wellness Excellence (NICE).

The draft guide for the management of kidney and ureteral stones in England The priority was to improve the detection, clearance and prevention of stones to reduce pain and anxiety for the patient.

He recommended a greater use of shock wave lithotripsy.

Breaking Crystals

Energetic shock waves that break down kidney stones into small crystals so that they can be removed from the body in the urine. The procedure is non-invasive and avoids the need for traditional surgery.

The guide recommended that individuals eligible for this treatment be offered the procedure within 48 hours of a medical badessment.

Andrew Dickinson, consulting urologist at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust and Chair of the NICE Committee that produced the advice, said: "The use of shock wave lithotripsy is certainly a less traumatic experience for the patient. "

"There are fewer problems after and this reduces the time"

More resources may be needed to expand the use of SWL, NICE recognized, including additional mobile lithotripters, more machines to Fixed site or better organized referral systems.When surgery for kidney and ureteral stones has increased, one benefit would be that more patients could be considered as day cases, reducing theater time and stays Hospital

"Waiting times for treatment are increasing and this means that patient satisfaction is likely to be lower," Dickinson said. "C & # 39; is why offering shockwave lithotripsy is important for the patient's health and mental well-being. "

CT Scans

Another recommendation was that patients should be scanned within 24 hours after an initial medical badessment. if they had severe abdominal pain, which we thought was caused by kidney stones.

Current practice is to examine renal colic using ultrasound or simple abdominal X-rays. However, NICE concluded that even if a scanner was more expensive, it decreased the likelihood of needing follow-up investigations.

The recommendation was made because kidney function can quickly decrease when stones are present, NICE said. stones can develop in one or two kidneys. They are caused by waste in the blood crystals that accumulate in the kidney. Small stones in the kidneys can be evacuated without pain in the urine. However, it is quite common that a stone blocks a part of the urinary system such as the ureter and the urethra.

Kidney stones are quite common and most often affect people aged 30 to 60 years. One in ten women develop stones at some point in their life.

The National Institute of Excellence in Health and Care (NICE). Guideline: Renal and Ureteral Stones: Assessment and Management. Draft for consultation, July 2018. Draft order.

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