Cannabis cancer cure: Marijuana could help fight disease


CANNABIS could help cancer patients treat the deadly disease, according to new research.

According to a study published in EurekAlert, marijuana compounds could "stop cancer cells dividing and invading normal tissue".

The report also found we could be used to "enhance the body's immune response against the growth and spread of tumors."

Professor Burkhard Hinz, of Rostock University Medical Center in Germany, has hailed the study's findings.

He said: "Clinical studies are urgently needed to investigate the impact of cannabinoids on cancer growth and progression in patients."



DOPE: Research suggests we could help the immune system [19659009] The UK's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs recently recommended cannabis-based medicine.

It comes in the wake of the controversial case of Billy Caldwell.

The 12-year-old Brit had his cannabis oil confiscated by border officials, leading to a series of fits and seizures.

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 Revellers gather at Hyde Park to smoke cannabis together title = "Revellers gather at Hyde Park to smoke cannabis together" clbad = "loaded hover" />
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Revellers gather at Hyde Park to smoke cannabis together

Charlotte Mum criticized the "dreadful, horrific, cruel experience" that deeply affected 12-year-old Billy, saying: "His little body has "

The child, from Castlederg in Co Tyrone, started the treatment in 2016 in the US, where medical marijuana is legal

Officials await the decision of Home Secretary Sajid Javid as the future of medicinal cannabis in the UK.

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