Clinic calls for vaccinations after a suspected case of measles at Jersey Shore


An Ocean County clinic warned residents of a suspected case of measles on Wednesday and urged people to make sure they were vaccinated against the disease.

The Health, Medical and Dentistry Education Center (CHEMED), located in Lakewood, announced the announcement on its website, but did not provide any other details. on this case.

Calls to the center asking for more information were not returned Wednesday night.

"There is a very real danger for those who are not immune, such as infants and those who are immunocompromised, who may come into contact with an infected person," the statement said.

The center asked all residents of Ocean County to make sure they were aware of their vaccinations.

"CHEMED would like to remind all of the vital importance of being aware of vaccinations to protect you, as well as our community," the statement said.

Symptoms of measles include fever, cough and a rash that usually starts on the face, center officials said.

People can also get sick when they come in contact with mucus or saliva from an infected person. Anyone who was not vaccinated or who did not have measles was at risk if exposed, according to the New Jersey Department of Health.

CHEMED also stated that there were confirmed cases of chickenpox and whooping cough in the county.

Earlier this month, officials from the New York Department of Health warned that residents of New York and New Jersey may have been exposed to measles after confirmation of the disease by a traveler returning to the states States of Israel.

Chris Sheldon can be contacted at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @ chrisrsheldon Find on Facebook.

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