Rockland County Commissioner of Health, Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert, gives an update on the measles outbreak in Rockland County Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2018
Peter Carr, [email protected]

More than 2,000 people in Rockland County have been vaccinated since a measles outbreak hit the area in late September.(Photo: Markell DeLoatch, Public Opinion)

More than 2,000 people in Rockland County have been vaccinated since a measles outbreak hit the area in late September, with 18 people infected with the highly contagious virus and another six cases being investigated, according to health officials.

The county Department of Health has held free measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccination clinics over the past few weeks and Refuah Health Center has also been vaccinating residents.

Raizel Lew took her two young children to Thursday’s vaccine clinic in Monsey because she said she realized it was better to have the vaccine than the disease.

“My kids were so nervous to get a shot,” she said. “I said it hurts less than the measles.”

ROCKLAND HEALTH: 15 measles cases, 6 more under investigation

INCUBATE: Keep unvaccinated students at home

OUTBREAK: Rockland officials urge measles vaccinations

The next clinic is from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Darden Center in Spring Valley, Dr. Berg Lane.

Rockland County Health Commissioner Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert answered some questions about measles and this outbreak.

Why are measles such a concern?

“It’s a serious illness that is vaccine preventable,” she said of measles, noting that the treatment is symptomatic and there are no antivirals or antibiotics that can combat measles. “But we can prevent further infections.”

Ruppert said measles are highly infectious, and if a non-vaccinated person walks into a room up to two hours after someone infected was in the room, there is a high probability they will get infected.

“It’s one that has a number of other complications, including other infections,” she said. “Ear infections, pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis, and some of those have permanent complications.”

How does it compare with chickenpox?

“Chickenpox also has complications, including pneumonia for example, but measles I would say is more serious disease overall,” she said. She did note that someone who had chickenpox as a child could be susceptible to shingles, but once a person is diagnosed with measles, they are protected from catching it again.

When would you consider this outbreak contained?

“We’re right at the end of the first incubation period and we’re on to the secondary,” Ruppert said. The outbreak will be contained “when we’re done seeing further cases as we’re continuing to see … hopefully down to zero. It depends on how quickly the community responds and tries to contain it.”

Most of the original exposure happened in Monsey and New Square, according to the state Health Department, but there were additional locations in Nanuet, New City and Montvale, New Jersey.

Ruppert said the people affected were a combination of children and adults and some were directly infected by the primary cases who contracted the disease in Israel and the rest are from secondary exposure sites.

She said it is not unexpected to see secondary cases like this.

“I really want people to take this seriously and come in for their vaccinations,” she said. “I really do. Otherwise we’re going to see more.”

What can we do here in Rockland?

“We’re a small county geographically, and its important for everyone to check their status. As much as we investigate very carefully, it’s hard to pinpoint where every single person has been every single day. We all need to make sure we are immune or vaccinated.”

Health officials are spreading the word about the vaccine clinics and outbreak through social media, local news media and signs around the community.

Non-immunized children who attend schools with students who tested positive for measles need to stay home 21 days from the last known exposure. For some students, that is Nov. 3, but there are others who will have to stay home even longer if they are not immunized, and those dates change as more cases are discovered, Ruppert said.

Residents should get two doses of the vaccine, and children under 4 only need one but can safely get the second dose in case of an outbreak.

You are considered immune:

  • If you were born before 1957.
  • If you received two doses of the MMR vaccine.
  • If a physician confirmed that you are immune.
  • If a physician can confirm measles.

Everyone should check their immunization records or contact their health care providers if they are unsure, officials said. Anyone who suspects they have the measles should call before going in to minimize the risk of exposure to others.

About measles

Measles symptoms include fever, a cough, runny nose, watery eyes and a rash. People are infectious four days before and after the appearance of the rash and symptoms usually appear about 12 days after exposure.

For more questions about measles, call the New York State Department of Health toll free at 888-364-4837.

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