Apollo Hospitals Holds First International PROTON Therapy Education Program | APN News


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Apollo Hospitals Holds First International PROTON Therapy Education Program

Posted on 2 November 2018

Chennai: More than 400 delegates from India and Asia gathered at the 1st International PROTON Therapy Education Program jointly organized by the Cooperative Particle Therapy Group (PTCOG) and the Apollo Proton Cancer Center (APCC). Proton therapy is the most advanced and targeted cancer treatment because of its superior dose distribution and minimal side effects that help treat cancer more effectively. The two days A comprehensive interactive scientific program has enabled specialists from Austria, Denmark, India, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States to share their knowledge on various aspects of technology and technology. of proton therapy treatment, to give an overview of the application in clinical practice. The prestigious conference brought together ministers of health from South Africa, Oman, Yemen and Sri Lanka.

Inaugurated by Dr. Motosoahae Thomas Thabane, the Hon. Lesotho's prime minister, the conference included presentations by plenaries of world-renowned proton therapy experts, as well as enriching educational sessions offering a comprehensive overview of the technology and clinical practices related to particle therapy, its origin to modern technologies. The highlight was a visit to the state-of-the-art Apollo Proton Cancer Center that was soon to be launched and where delegates expressed gratitude for the modern, comprehensive, organ-specific cancer facilities.

Dr. Preetha Reddy, Vice President, Apollo Hospitals says: "The 1st The international PROTON Therapy educational program will help physicians and oncologists understand the potential of this new technology for treating cancer. With the cancer burden in India increasing by the day, we are happy to be at the forefront of the challenge of providing the best treatment option available in the world. Building on this heritage, we are launching this proton therapy center, which will be the first in Southeast Asia and a major milestone in our concerted action to fight and conquer cancer. "

At the conference, Mr. Harshad Reddy of the Apollo Proton Cancer Center said: "The Apollo Proton Cancer Center is our bulwark in the fight against cancer! It is important to understand and apply this cancer treatment. We are pleased to be able to organize this two-day conference with PTCOG and APCC have come together to organize this two-day educational program offering a clinical and technical understanding of PROTON treatment. "

Standard radiotherapy includes X-ray beams that deposit their energy along the beam path, to the tumor and beyond, resulting in the irradiation of not only the tumor but also healthy tissue around the tumor. . This damages normal tissue or organs close to the tumor. With proton therapy, it is possible to control the location of energy release and accurately target the tumor, causing the most damage to targeted tumor cells while sparing healthy tissues and organs. . A proton beam is only a few millimeters wide and can effectively treat complex tumors of the eye, brain, prostate and cancers in the child, with the benefit of not not harm healthy tissues and essential organs. This gives the patient a better quality of life during and after treatment.

Dr. Rakesh Jalali, medical director of the Apollo Proton Cancer Center said: "The treatment of cancer has been dramatically transformed by proton therapy. It helps treat tumors located especially in difficult access areas such as the head, neck, pancreas and prostration. It is more effective considering the possibility of administering higher doses of radiation to control and manage cancer while reducing damage to vital organs and healthy tissue. Scientific and knowledge sessions of 1st The international PROTON Therapy Education Program raised awareness of the added value of proton beam therapy in cancer treatment. "

The professors of the program included prominent names, including Jay Flanz, Ph.D., Mbadachusetts, General Hospital,

UNITED STATES; Eugen Hug, MD, MedAustron, Austria; Tony Lomax, PhD, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland; Håkan Nyström, PhD, Danish Center for Particle Therapy, Denmark; Ramesh Rengan, MD, Seattle Cancer Alliance, USA; Niek Schreuder, PhD, Provision Center for Proton Therapy, USA; Damien Weber, MD, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland; Petra Witt Nyström, MD, Danish Center for Particle Therapy, Denmark and The Skandion Clinic, Sweden; and Minish Mehta, Baptist Health, South Florida, USA.

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