Darlington Clock Tower will turn purple for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month


A GREAT MOTHER hopes to share her story across the city to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer.

Christine Leonard, of Darlington, asked council to change the color of the city's clock tower in solidarity with Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.

On November 16, the faces of the tower will turn purple and Ms. Leonard hopes this will help spread the message.

Last year, her 58-year-old grandmother suffered a "crisis" after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

She went to see her doctor in August 2017 after having abdominal pain, losing appetite and coping with weight loss.

After a series of normal blood tests, Ms. Leonard received medication, but her symptoms did not improve after 10 days.

She said, "The pain has taken me back and has yellowed because of jaundice. My general practitioner did other blood tests and the next day I was called to tell me that I needed to go to Darlington Memorial Hospital. They did other tests. and thought that these are gallstones blocking my bile duct.

"They decided that I needed a stent in the bile ducts and I was sent to Durham Hospital. After the procedure, I was told that if I did not do it, I would not be here now. "

Ms. Leonard was then referred to the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle, where she was diagnosed with the early stages of pancreatic cancer.

A procedure called "badlash" was offered to her – a mammoth operation to remove a tumor blocking the bile ducts, part of the pancreas, part of the small intestine, gallbladder, part of the bile. 39, stomach and 27 lymph nodes.

She was admitted to hospital on December 18 and operated for almost nine hours. On Boxing Day, Mrs. Leonard was allowed to go home.

She added, "The only thing that stood out for me at the time was that we had booked a Florida family vacation with my grandchildren and that my daughter would be getting married next year.

"I had a CT scan in September and finally got the go-ahead, it's just that many people who do not know what the symptoms are, that's what I thought." What can I do to raise awareness?

"I contacted Darlington City Council to find out if they would be willing to illuminate a building to educate people.They agreed to turn on the city clock certainly for the 16 and maybe a few days on each side.

"My story is to educate people about this terrible cancer and to inform people about the symptoms to watch for."

The pancreatic cancer awareness month is spreading throughout the month of November.

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