Cell-Phone Tech will detect the Zika virus


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Researchers are trying to turn a smartphone into a Zika detection device. A new study details efforts to quickly and accurately diagnose the Zika virus using mobile health technologies that could potentially be deployed in resource-limited settings. Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston have stated that the work involved developing tiny platinum nanomotors. as well as microbeads that bind the virus, according to homelandprepnews.com.

They learned when the two components are added to a sample containing Zika, they form a three-dimensional complex that moves in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, and the movement "Zika diagnoses represent an urgent need in many regions of the world, "said Hadi Shafiee, author and senior researcher of the study at the BWH Division of Engineering in Hawaii, India. Medicine and renal division of medicine. "Our goal is to address this unmet clinical need by using cellular technology.Mobile phones have the power to perform complex badyzes, handle image processing, take high images. quality and are ubiquitous in disaster-affected countries.We can take advantage of this to cope with epidemics of infectious diseases. "

The study published in ACS Nano uses an optical device similar to that previously used by Shafiee and his colleagues to detect male infertility in semen samples. cell phone technology for other viral diagnoses.

Traditional virus diagnoses rely on the detection of antibodies in the blood of a person targeting Zika. However, many closely related viruses, including dengue, can cause similar antibodies, leading to a high rate of false positives for such tests. Other research groups are currently developing methods to tackle the Zika virus nucleic acid bricks, but Shafiee and his colleagues have taken a whole new approach: they are developing a way to detect copies. intact Zika virus, reports phys.org.

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