Deal Community Honored the Israel Cancer Research Fund


From left to right: Debbie Zamir, Asher Zamir, Isaac Oved and Lisa Oved

Hundreds of members of the Deal community came out to show their support for the Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) at the "Inspiration Night" on July 19, made possible thanks to the generosity of hosts Debbie and Asher Zamir, in memory of Sarah Mbadry (aH), Sharon Betesh (aH) and Isaac Zamir (a & hr). More than $ 550,000 has been raised to support Israel's cancer research.

From left to right: Harry Adjmi, Dr. Mark Israel, Charles Ben-Dayan

Ariela Ben-Dayan, Samantha Harary, Charles Ben-Dayan and Lisa Oved were the presidents of the evening.

Jeanette Cohen, Lisa Oved, Lisa Djmal

Harry Adjmi, Master of Ceremonies, thanked the Zamirs for opening their home and urged the community to show its support for the ICRF. "Cancer does not discriminate, it affects us all.CRF research has led to the development of new life-saving drugs and therapies that are being used globally to help eradicate many types of cancer, "he said.

Adjmi also expressed gratitude to Ariela and Charles Ben-Dayan who introduced the ICRF to the Deal community, giving its members the ## 147 ## An opportunity to "take a seat at the table" in the fight for a cure

From left to right: Debbie Zamir, Asher Zamir, Harry Adjmi and Charles Ben-Dayan

Inspiring Speaker, Sam Fields, former Professional hockey player and cancer survivor for 15 years, was one of the highlights of the event., a drug developed on the basis of research scientists funded by the ICRF. gave two weeks to live. Dr. Eli Canaani's research has saved my life. Thank you ICRF from the bottom of my heart, "said Fields.

Dr. Mark Israel, recently appointed International Executive Director of ICRF, talked about his experience in reviewing grant proposals for ICRF as a member of the Scientific Assessment Panel. "Israel is ready to change the face of cancer in the world.What are missing are sufficient resources.We can build the future if we can provide the resources," he noted.

From left to right: Lisa Oved, Samantha Harary, Charles Ben Dayan and Harry Adjmi

Dr. Israel reminded the guests that they had a special zechut (privilege) to help treat cancer. " Israel is the place to do research.Its scientists have commitment and courage."

Before the fundraising appeal begins, the President of ICRF, Rob Densen, looked at the crowd and said, "What is the beauty of this community? Keep your children and grandchildren in your hearts and do something beautiful for them and for them. future. "With that, Adjmi rallied the guests and the promises began to arrive.

Israel Fund Fest against Cancer Research with drawings by Rosie Assoulin

The evening ended with a spectacular parade of Brooklyn-born fashion designer Rosie Assoulin's collections. Featured models of the community. The crowd showed their overwhelming endorsement of the local designer.

Young women from the community of Deal, NJ, enjoy watching and participating in the ICRF fashion show

The Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) was founded in 1975 by a group of Doctors, scientists and leaders who sought to prevent the permanent loss of Israel's most promising cancer researchers at foreign universities due to lack of funding in Israel for the PhD. s, postdoctoral fellows and accomplished young scientists. Since its founding, the organization has awarded more than 2,400 grants to Israeli cancer researchers through research fellowships, project grants, professional development grants and research chairs. With the grants for 2018/2019, funding for ICRF has now surpbaded the $ 68 million mark!

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