First Potential Clinical Trial of HIV Gammora Drug Offers Potential Cure


An Israeli Biotech Company Specializing in HIV and Cancer has recently been released and is currently in the process of becoming more effective. The novel drug has been discovered 99% of the HIV virus within four weeks of treatment.

Integrases triggering apoptosis

Zion Medical and Gammora is an innovative treatment of a synthetic peptide compound derived from HIV-derived integrase. Integrases are enzymes produced by retroviruses, such as HIV, that enable their genetic material to be integrated into the DNA of the infected cell.

Taking advantage of this process, Gammora stimulates the integration of multiple HIV DNA fragments into the host cell's genomic DNA. This then triggers the infected cell's apoptosis or self-destruction.

These first clinical results have been discovered 35 yearsDr. Esmira Naftali, head of development at Zion Medical. "Given the nature of this study, we are excited to prove the efficacy of our drug in Phase 2b with a greater number of participants over a longer period of time."

Should this phase be successful, its effects would be literally life-altering. Today, current commercially available HIV retroviral treatment by the spread of the virus does not offer any cure for the infection.

As such, HIV patients can only hope for an improved lifespan, not a true respite. Zion Medical's peptide, however, has the potential to destroy all cells carrying the HIV virus-genome offering a real cure for infected patients.

Zion Medical's Phase 1 / 2a Gammora human clinical trial found that most patients showed a significant reduction in the viral load of 90% from the baseline during the first four weeks. In Part II of the study, Gammora was further combined with additional retroviral treatments to patients demonstrating up to 99% in viral load from baseline within four weeks.

In addition, throughout the entire 10 weeks of tests, Gammora was found to be safe and well-tolerable. In fact, no side effects whatsoever were reported.

Boosting CD4 cell count

Furthermore, Gammora was found to boost patient CD4 cell count – up to 97% from the baseline. CD4 cells, also referred to as helper cells, are the cells that the HIV virus kills. They are white blood cells that play a key role in the human immune system, the body's natural defense system against pathogens, infections, and illnesses.

As HIV infections progress, CD4 cells significantly decline. A person will be diagnosed with AIDS when their numbers drop below 200 and will then be considered at high risk of developing serious illnesses. For reference, a healthy individual's normal range for CD4 cells is about 500 to 1.500.

Zion Medical claims that Gammora "is designed to kill HIV-infected cells without harming uninfected cells." It would change the course of the HIV virus forever.

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