Israel goes to war with measles


With over 1,400 cases of measles reported since the beginning of the year, Israel has launched a mbadive campaign to protect the population.

By Jack Gold, World Israel News

Israel has launched a campaign in the world of measles after an outbreak in the country which claimed the life of one baby in Jerusalem.

After years of measles lying dormant, an epidemic has occurred in segments of the population that have early-age inoculation. It has now spread to many areas of the country.

In Israel, several religious sects oppose vaccination, and the Ministry of Health has hiked up a campaign to increase immunization rates in unprotected communities in recent months.

For the first time in decades, the Ministry of Health has begun to inoculate adults from ages 14 to 61, as well as children.

Some 1,400 have contracted measles this year, as opposed to only 34 in 2017. Over 30,000 Israelis have been exposed to various ways to measles.

An expos by Israel Hayom uncovered a list of failures that have enabled the diseaseto return in full force.

Several lawmakers have called on the state to take action against those who refuse vaccination, as they pose a threat to society. Proposals include banning their entry to schools and other public places.

Measles is a highly contagious disease and one of the leading causes of death worldwide in young children, according to the World Health Organization. It is easily prevented with a vaccine.

However, the World Health Organization has reported tens of thousands of measles cases across Europe.

In Thailand, 14 deaths and more than 1,500 cases have been reported since September.

Officials blame the comeback of the disease in Thailand on the basis of misconceptions among the population of the population.

AP contributed to this report.

Health Ministrymeasles

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