Nucleix, an Israeli cancer detection company, wins a grant of 2.5 million euros


Nucleix received funding from Lung EpiCheck, a screening blood test for the early detection of lung cancer.

Nucleix, the Israeli cancer detection and detection company, announced today that it has received 2.5 million euros from the highly selective European EIC Instrument Instrument Phase II pilot program. Phase 2 of the EIC SME pilot instrument is part of Horizon 2020, an 80 billion euro funding program managed by the European Commission and dedicated to innovation and innovation. the research. It is part of the H2020 "Industrial Leadership" pillar and aims to support fast-growing, highly innovative SMEs with global and international ambitions

Nucleix received funding from Lung EpiCheck, a screening blood test for the early detection of lung cancer. The test is based on the patented molecular biomarker technology, which combines new biochemical tests with sophisticated algorithms. The technology is based on the identification and badysis of subtle changes in DNA methylation patterns, a powerful tool for distinguishing cancer and healthy cells.

Opher Shapira, CEO of Nucleix, said: The potential of our disruptive technology and validates our ambition to become a world leader in the detection and screening of various cancers. After the commercial launch of Bladder EpiCheck, for the detection of recurrence of bladder cancer, the funding will help us accelerate the development of our second diagnostic tool, Lung EpiCheckTM, for the early detection of lung cancer. Europe and the United States at the beginning of next year.

Published by Globes [online] Israel Economic News – – July 30, 2018

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