Pancreatic cancer: Symptoms of the deadliest common cancer to look out for


According to Pancreatic Cancer UK, three-quarters of people with pancreatic cancer will die within a year of diagnosis.

This makes it the deadliest common cancer in the UK.

Cancer of the pancreas is difficult to treat, and is often not detected until the cancer is fairly advanced.

If the tumour is large or has spread to other parts of the body, treatment will be more difficult.

It’s therefore vital to know what symptoms to look out for, so you can get the necessary treatment as soon as possible.

However, symptoms are often not evident in the early stages of the disease, and can be mistaken for other problems.

“Pancreatic cancer can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms can seem quite generic or can be mistaken for other diseases or conditions,” said Jeni Jones, specialist nurse at Pancreatic Cancer UK.

So what are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer?

Common symptoms of the disease, according to Pancreatic Cancer UK, include tummy and back pain, unexplained weight loss and indigestion.

Other symptoms include loss of appetite, changes to bowel habits, jaundice, problems digesting food, nausea and vomiting, and difficulty swallowing.

Changes to bowel habits can include pale, smelly poo that may float, diarrhoea and constipation.

Problems digesting food can include feeling full quickly when eating, bloating, burping or lots of wind.

Recently diagnosed diabetes could also be a sign of an underlying pancreatic problem.

Symptoms may be quite vague and may come and go to begin with. If you experience any of these symptoms, they could be a sign of something else like IBS, but it’s advisable to get them checked out just in case.

“These symptoms don’t necessarily mean that you have pancreatic cancer, but you should get them checked out,” said Jones.

“If you develop jaundice (yellow skin and eyes, itchy skin, pale poo and dark urine) go to your GP or A&E straight away.”

“If you have any of the other symptoms and they last four weeks or more, speak to your doctor.”

“The earlier people are diagnosed, the earlier they can be treated which may increase their chances of being eligible for potentially life-saving surgery.”

Pancreatic Cancer UK has launched a campaign for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in November, to get everyone diagnosed with the disease treatment within 20 days before the cancer spreads.

“Pancreatic cancer treatment can’t wait,” said the charity.

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