Researchers construct the most complete picture of a brain


Created by a team of researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Ashburn, Virginia, this 16-second video is the result of two high-speed electron microscopes, 7062 brain slices and 21 million pills. images – all flies

With new imaging, scientists can now chart the path from any neuron to another in the entire brain.

"The entire fly brain has never been imagined before at this resolution that allows for seeing neurons," said neuroscientist Davi Bock, who led the team. "Every time you look at images with a higher and more complete resolution, you will discover new things."

Bock said the researchers wanted to focus on the brain of a fruit fly because of the amazing levels of sophistication. They can both learn and remember details, says Bock, although they are only about the size of a poppy seed.

It contains about 100,000 neurons; in comparison, the human brain contains more than 100 billion dollars. Researchers based in Virginia have used serial transmission electron microscopy to collect over 21 million images of the entire brain of flies.

Initially, this challenge was long and tedious. However, the team developed high-speed cameras and two unique systems to move tissue samples in increments of 8 microns in order to quickly capture more space. Technology has accelerated the process five times faster than any previous research of similar status.

The study was published in the journal Cell .

  Researchers construct the most complete picture of a brain ever ]

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