Sharing your hiding place with your rat will relieve nausea – Science & Health


If your rat has a tendency to vomit, sharing his marijuana with him will help you, can we deduce from an article published by Canadian scientists Monday in the eeuro, a journal of the Society for Neuroscience. At the moment, this is good news especially for cattle with pets, but researchers hope their discoveries will one day help cancer patients to follow chemotherapy that turns the animals around. ;stomach.

Cannabidiol, the form of marijuana without the amusing psychotropic components, could potentially be developed in anti-nausea treatments, explain Dr. Linda Parker and colleagues at the University of Guelph, who have acquired new ideas about the way marijuana is related nausea.

After injecting rats with a chemical to make them sick in the stomach, the level of serotonin neurotransmitter increased in the region of the brain responsible for nausea, the researchers observed. The rats also demonstrated "gaping" – typical behavior of nauseated rodents, showing that they were feeling really terrible.

But if the rats received cannabidiol before being injected with the cloying lithium chloride, they did not become speechless, and the level of serotonin in their interoceptive island cortex did not increase .

Ergo, giving them the marijuana derivative before administering nauseating injections made them feel good.

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Meanwhile, the artificial rise in the concentration of a biochemical that our bodies produce called 2-AG, a kind of 'endogenous cannabinoid', also prevented serotonin from increasing in the cortex of rats.

The active chemical in the pot, and our own 2-AG, both trigger a receptor in our brain and our nervous system, called the cannabinoid receptor type 1. This receptor therefore seems linked to nausea, at least at Rattus norvegicus.

Therefore, one day, this rat study could lead to new therapeutic opportunities, and during this time, if your rat begins to vomit, you know what to do.

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