ISRO Quiz Competition 2019 Last Date Extended, interested students can register to participateDATAQUEST


The ISRO 2019 quiz contest, which seems to have attracted immense participation from students and professionals, has spread further. The last date of the ISRO 2019 quiz competition, which was originally announced as August 20, 2019, is now August 25, 2019 at 11:59 pm PT. The most recent date has been updated on the official website.

"In order to raise awareness of the space program, an online quiz competition will be organized by ISRO in coordination with from 10 to 25 August 2019," the website says. Although the ISRO questionnaire is being organized by students, professionals and various other citizens of the country, the laureates who will attend the ISRO Chandrayaan 2 landings on the south pole of the moon alongside Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 7, 2019 be selected only in classes 8 to 10.

The two best students from each state and territory of the union will be invited to the Indian Space Research Organization, Bengaluru Center. Students who give the maximum number of correct answers in the shortest time will be selected as winners and, in the event of a tie, a random selection will be made, according to the website. "What do you know about India's space program? Take part in this interesting Quiz on MyGov. Young friends who have good results will have the opportunity to witness the landing of Chandrayaan-2 on the Moon, from the ISRO Center in Bengaluru, "tweeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The ISRO Quiz bank will most likely be based on general knowledge as well as advanced science and technology. Students have the opportunity to answer sample questions before answering the quiz. Given the fact that Chandrayaan 2 will land on the moon on September 7, 2019, the results of the ISRO quiz should be known by the end of the month. The best students will be asked to provide the name of their parent or guardian, a government-issued proof of identity containing the student's address, and an affidavit from the school confirming that they are students at the school. This format of the affidavit will only be shared with pre-screened participants, says the MyGov website.

Students are also required to register with the website participate in the ISRO 2019 quiz contest. The quiz is hosted on the official website of only, and students are encouraged to take the help of their parents in order to register appropriately.


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