ISRO's Chandrayaan 2 will carry NASA's laser instruments on Moon – New Delhi Times


The Chandrayaan Indian lunar mission 2 which is
Launch scheduled next month will bring NASA's laser instruments
allowing scientists to make accurate measurements of the distance to the moon,
according to officials of the US Space Agency.

During lunar and planetary science
Conference held last week in Texas, United States, NASA confirmed that Chandrayaan 2 and
The Israeli lander Beresheet, due to land on April 11, will each carry
Matrices of laser retroreflectors belonging to NASA.

"We try to populate the whole
surface with as many networks of laser reflectors as we can possibly get there ",
Lori Glaze, Acting Director, NASA Science Global Science Division
Direction of the mission, reportedly reported by "Space.Com".

Retroreflectors are sophisticated, reflective mirrors
Laser light signals sent from the ground that can help locate precisely
the lander is. Scientists can use these signals to accurately determine
calculate the distance from the moon to the sun.

These analyzes could become so detailed
that scientists could see the daily ascent and fall of any landing gear surface from the
device is based on that this surface grows and contracts with the changes of
The dramatic temperature of Moon.


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