0844 prefix arrives to recognize invasive commercial calls


Very often, citizens are annoyed by insistent calls from the call center for advertising purposes. Now, however, the Guarantor for communications decided that calls made for commercial purposes, such as those intended for phone offers and pay-TV offers must be immediately identifiable. For this reason, it has been established that these numbers must be recognizable from the outset. prefix 0844allowing citizens to decide whether to answer freely or not, without having to make up excuses to withdraw the call in haste.


appear 0844 area code also for calls made for market research or advertising.

The decision of the Guarantor for communications will certainly be highly appreciated by all Italian citizens: the new rule will allow greater transparency. [VIDEO] and avoid stressful episodes. This new system will have to be introduced by two months. Then there will also be a new area code for all call centers that call statistical surveys: that will be it 0843. Finally, Istat calls will have a particular number that is not yet what it is. In fact, the rule had already been established by Law No. 5 of 2018, but it was up to the authority of the communication to decide the appropriate prefix for this type of appeals.

Made the law, found the deception: meanwhile, the Molise protests

Unfortunately, however, as they say, "the law has found the deception."

Apparently, in fact, there would already be a loophole: the standards will in fact avoid 0844. If, for example, you have to run a bidding campaign [VIDEO] for a third company, you can also use a number starting with 0, as if it 's a normal city, or a number starting with 3, as it' s s & # 39; was acting from a normal cell phone. Once you have seen the callhowever, the citizen can recall theusers from which he received the call. A possibility that is now denied. Just wait and see if this new system will be able to solve the problem of invasive advertising and often particularly annoying. In the meantime, however, the Molise he had to say on the chosen prefix. In particular, the prefix chosen by the guarantor would be too similar to the 0874 of the provinces of Isernia and Campobbado. For this reason, the badociation Forche Caudine expressed its willingness to write to the Guarantor to choose a prefix that is not used in Italy.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://www.repubblica.it/economia/2018/10/26/news/telefonate-210035883/

  • https://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/economia/stressati-dalle-telefonate-commerciali-arriva-il-prefisso-0844-per-riconoscerle-e-limitarle_3171320-201802a.shtml

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